副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum 最高议长菲尼斯·瓦洛伦
Galactic Senate, Galactic Republic

One of the last Supreme Chancellors to hold that office before the Galactic Republic crumbled to make way for an oppressive Empire, Valorum was a well-meaning but ill-fated politician. When the Trade Federation blockaded the peaceful system of Naboo, Valorum circumvented bureaucratic procedure by dispatching a secret mission of Jedi ambassadors to negotiate an end to the crisis.
The negotiations failed as the Trade Federation attacked the ambassadors before talks could even begin. Queen Amidala of the Naboo voyaged to Coruscant to present her case to the assembled Senate. Valorum was genuinely pleased to see the Queen alive, but he was of no help in the Senate hall, where he had to abide by the proper bureaucratic measures.
The Trade Federation was quick to stall any of Amidala's claims of invasion by demanding a commission be appointed to investigate the accusation. Frustrated by lack of common sense or interest in what was just, Amidala lambasted the assembled politicians for their ineffective rule. She singled out Valorum specifically, on the advice of Palpatine, for his inability to take decisive action. She called for a Vote of No Confidence in Valorum's rule. The vote was soon seconded, and the political backlash cascaded throughout the rotunda. By the end of the session, Valorum was voted out of office, with no greater crime on his head than being bound by procedure and subjected to baseless accusations. Little did the Republic realize what they had in store by voting Palpatine to succeed him.

Finis Valorum comes from a long line of influential politicians, with the Valorum political dynasty stretching back thousands of years. Valorum's name helped secure his position in Republic politics, but in the end, it was also his undoing. Valorum's political enemies would cry out that the Chancellor had ascended to his position on the merits of familial reputation alone, rather than any true ability.
Perhaps Valorum's greatest flaw was a distinct lack of charisma. He was unable to deflect attacks of character and baseless accusations, which made the spurious claims adhere all the more strongly in the jaundiced eyes of the media. Claims that Valorum had strong family interests that stood to profit from the Trade Federation taxation were never effectively countered by his camp, sealing his political fate.
It was upon the advice of his colleague, Senator Palpatine of Naboo, that Valorum backed the controversial taxation of Free Trade Zones in the Republic. When the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo in protest, many chose to blame Valorum rather than the Neimoidians behind the embargo.
The Jedi Master Adi Gallia learned that not everything was as it seemed on Naboo, and that perhaps other interests were controlling the Trade Federation. Valorum secretly dispatched a team of Jedi negotiators to investigate. This proactive move was too little too late. The tide had already turned against Valorum in the Senate.

The name Valorum dates back to the earliest drafts of the original Star Wars film. In the first draft, Valorum was a dark, masked prince whose role was quite similar to Vader's in the final film.
瓦洛伦这个名字可以追溯到《星球大战》正传电影最早的草稿里。在第一稿中,瓦洛伦是一位黑暗的、戴面具的王子,这个角色与最终电影里的维德十分相似。 |