副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Gotal 戈塔尔人
Antar 4
1.8 meters

A humanoid species encountered in the Outer Rim Territories and elsewhere, this alien is marked by a pair of ridged cone-like horns sprouting from the top of its head.

Gotals are native to the Prindaar system, hailing from the fourth moon orbiting the gas giant Antar. They are humanoids with shaggy gray hair, gray-brown skin, knobby brows, red-tinted eyes, and twin cones on their heads.
To survive in the complex moon system that plunges Antar 4 into periods of perpetual day and unending nights, the Gotals evolved advanced senses that stretch beyond sight and hearing. Gotals have an electromagnetic detection sense, housed in their twin cones. With these cones, the Gotal can sense collections of electrical activity, including the electrochemical activity of organic nervous systems. As a result, Gotals can read the surface impressions of each others' minds and emotions. With such keen insight into each other, Gotals have eliminated the need for government, conflicts and complex courting rituals. The Gotals have created a peaceful form of anarchy, and love at first sight is the rule rather than the exception. Because emotional displays are not necessary in an empathic culture, the muscles on a Gotal's face are not expressive, and Gotals tend to speak in monotones.
As Gotals entered the galaxy at large, they fell into roles of point scouts and effective bounty hunters, as their advanced senses could spot prey and targets that would otherwise remain hidden. Gotals often misinterpret the emotions of other species, occasionally mistaking affection for love, anger for imminent violence, and envy for murderous intent. This confusion has led to violence between Gotals and other cultures. One such unfortunate incident happened just prior to the Clone Wars, during the height of tensions with the secessionist movement splitting the galaxy. This resulted in a bloody clash between Jedi Knights and Gotal extremists.
Gotals also have trouble with areas intense in electromagnetic energy, found throughout a technologically advanced galaxy. Gotals cannot use their accurate senses in these environs, and they cannot spend time close to droids. Incidentally, Gotals detect the Force as an indistinct buzzing.
A Gotal is born with its cone sensors intact, causing pain and confusion in babies for their first year as they are inundated with sensory information. Gotals walk by the age of two, talk by three, and mature at 12 standard years equivalence. Until then, most Gotal children are usually upset and irritable.
The Empire banned Gotals from entering or assisting their ranks since they showed a tendency to empathize with their enemies.

Designed by concept artist Ron Cobb, the Gotal alien was described as being a creature from the high tundra in his notes. The name Gotal first appeared in print in 1989, in Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races.
由概念画家罗恩·科布设计的戈塔尔人在注释中被描述为是一种来自高原冻土地带的生物。首次应用“戈塔尔人”这个名称的出版物是1989年的《银河指南4:异族》。 |