副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Givin 吉文人
1.8 meters

This bizarre alien species has the unsettling appearance of an animated skeleton. The sharp downward angles of its facial features and its bony chalk-white skin combine to give it a ghostly, anguished look.

The Givin hail from the planet Yag'Dhul, a world with a complex moon system that often causes tidal upheavals exposing areas of Yag'Dhul to the hard vacuum of space. To survive this, the Givin have evolved a means of sealing their entire anatomy in a form of organic exoskeleton vac-suit, sealing off all orifices and entering a state of hibernation. To successfully use this evolutionary precaution, Givin must hoard and store food energy by gorging prior to entering their sealed state. To assist them in predicting the terrible tides, the Givin have evolved a barometric sense.
As the Givin developed intellectually, they perfected complex forms of mathematics to help predict the bizarre moon system orbiting Yag'Dhul. Mathematics became the savior of the Givin people, and became central to their culture. The Givin are ruled by a mathematical theocracy, with their most gifted mathematicians acting as priests and keepers of knowledge. These advanced scholars study transcendental mathematics, equations that seek to see through time, and numerical puzzles intended to find the answer to the question of life.
Givin are well known throughout the Galaxy as superb shipbuilders, creating some of the sleekest craft in use. Non-Givin often must modify the ships since some areas are not pressurized, and the vessels have minimal nav computers, since Givin do most of the astrogation calculations in their heads. The Givin respect the Verpine and Duros for their shipbuilding talents, but cannot abide the Mon Calamari for their differing design philosophies.
During the Clone Wars, the Givin sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, providing their shipbuilding talents to the Seperatist forces.

A single Givin mask was crafted to fill in the cantina sequence in A New Hope. This bony alien sat in a booth with the Gotal and H'nemthe couple. The alien was nicknamed "Skull Head" during production.
一个单独的吉文人面具被制作出来填充进《新的希望》的小酒馆片段中。这个只有骨头的异族人跟一名戈塔尔人和一名赫内姆希人坐在一个隔间里。摄制期间,这个异族人绰号“骷髅头”。 |