副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Dashade 达沙德人
1.7 - 2 meters tall

By all rights, the Dashade should be extinct. Their world was destroyed by the massive multiple-supernova Cron Drift explosion sparked in the Great Sith War, killing all life on the planet. Four millennia later, sporadic accounts of Dashade-sightings continue, but very little hard data exists since those who see a Dashade rarely live long enough to report it.
During the height of Dashade civilization, the powerfully-built people were ruled by aggressive warlords. The harsh conditions of Urkupp, the sun-scorched resource-poor homeworld of the Dashade, fostered a philosophy of rule by strength. When their early spacefaring efforts revealed to the Dashade a larger galaxy populated by Jedi and the ancient Sith, it only strengthened these ideas.
The Dashade found allies in both the Sith and the Jedi. The ancient Jedi Knights used Dashade combat instructors to hone the warrior skills of their young Padawans. Not only were the Dashade physically resilient opponents, but they showed a partial immunity to Force-based powers. The Sith, too, employed the Dashade, as guards and assassins.
With the devastation of Urkupp, many in the galaxy assumed the Dashade were yet another tragic casuality of the Great Sith War. At least one influential royal Falleen family took steps to preserve their Dashade ranks. The Falleen placed over three dozen Dashade into cryogenic suspension, unleashing the warriors one at a time when a special assignment called for it. These Falleen nobles were the ancestors of Prince Xizor, and he inherited the last Dashade Shadow Killer from that era, a merciless warrior named Ket Maliss.
But he is not the last of his species. New Republic historians have found evidence that Dashade mercenaries may have been employed during the great purge of the Jedi order that accompanied the rise of the Galactic Empire. And perhaps Dashade colonies still exist, founded before the destruction of Urkupp, still waiting to be discovered.
The Dashade are muscular humanoids with high foreheads, a lamprey-like mouth, powerful claws, and a natural ability to dissipate heat that makes them difficult to spot with most life-form sensors.

The Dashade started off as a nameless alien built for the cantina sequence in "The Star Wars Holiday Special." This fearsome creature is seen mingling in the famous Tatooine watering hole during a lively and seemingly impromptu musical number that clears out the establishment at closing time. The alien was identified as "Ket Maliss" in the Star Wars Customizable Card Game, and digitally-manipulated photography of the alien made it appear that it was present in the cantina sequences from A New Hope. The Dashade backstory was first introduced in 1997's Secrets of the Sisar Run roleplaying supplement.
达沙德人最初是一个无名的异族人,被设计在《星球大战假日特集》的小酒馆片段中。这个可怕的生物混在那家著名塔图因酒吧的人群中,当时酒馆内正在演奏一支听似即兴的欢快曲子,准备清空店内顾客,关门歇业。“《星球大战》可改造卡片游戏”将这个异族人定名为“克特·马利斯”,一张经数字处理的照片使这个异族人看似出现在《新的希望》的小酒馆片段中。达沙德人的背景介绍初见于1997年的桌面角色扮演游戏补充资料《西萨航线的秘密》。 |