管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Warmaster Tsavong Lah 战帅察疯·拉
Yuuzhan Vong
1.96 meters
Yuuzhan Vong

A quintessential Yuuzhan Vong warrior completely devoted to bringing forth the will of the gods, Warmaster Tsavong Lah led the fighting forces of the alien invasion on many important campaigns. His visage was horrific, as he proudly displayed his cobbled together form, patched from a variety of living parts, much like the lesser gods were formed from fragments of the creator god Yun-Yuuzhan.
Lah stood taller than most Yuuzhan Vong. His grim face was framed by elaborate tattoos, and his sharpened teeth were revealed with the parting of his slit lips. He wore a living cape that clung to his shoulders with needle-clawed fingers. His rust-covered armor plates were seeded directly against his bones, and as they grew, they painfully stretched the warmaster's frame.
Domain Lah is a powerful family in the Yuuzhan Vong hierarchy, and Tsavong Lah had many notable relatives, such as his crèche-brother Qurang Lah, his warrior son Khalee Lah, and his respected father Czulkang Lah.
Tsavong Lah reported directly to Supreme Overlord Shimrra during his bloody campaign to take the Core. When the initial invasion masterminded by the Praetorite stalled, it fell to Tsavong Lah to continue the incursion. He saw great victories at Dantooine and Ithor. His passionate hatred for Jedi led him to capture Leia Organa Solo during the invasion of Duro. He tortured the captive Leia and intended her to be his first Jedi sacrifice to the gods, but she was rescued by her son, Jacen Solo.
Enraged, Lah called for the capture of the Jedi. He announced that peace was attainable to a beleagured New Republic, only if they handed over all the Jedi to him. A weary populace listened to the warmaster's ultimatum, and agencies like the Peace Brigade turned against the Jedi order.
Among Lah's underlings were Vergere and Nom Anor. Lah distrusted Anor, for he felt nothing but contempt for the bureaucrats of the Praetorite Vong. Vergere became a valued advisor, and Lah would quiz her or challenge her to dejarik games to learn the patterns of thought exhibited by a native of the galaxy. He quietly reveled in the rivalry that grew between Anor and Vergere.
Though he conquered Coruscant, fortune turned sour for Tsavong Lah. He continued to replace his body parts with specialized growths developed by the Shapers, adopting a radank claw in place of his left arm. The organic transplant, however, failed, and the work of diptera maggots rotted his new flesh. It was an ominous sign, and Lah fretted that the will of the gods had turned against him. A duplicitious underling, the human collaborator Viqi Shesh, suggested an intriguing and unsettling possibility. It was not the will of the gods, but rather Tsavong Lah's Shapers had betrayed and sabotaged his transplant. Furious at the treachery, Tsavong Lah later gathered a roomful of suspected traitors, and slaughtered them all by releasing ravenous captive rancors upon them.
Supreme Overlord Shimrra admonished Lah for the repeated loss of valued Yuuzhan Vong warriors following the conquering of Coruscant. Hoping to redeem himself, Lah led the attack on Ebaq 9, at Nom Anor's suggestion. Lah would personally lead Battle Group Yun-Yuuzhan into war. The Ebaq 9 scenario was a trap, however, and the Yuuzhan Vong suffered terrible losses. Furious and determined to exact vengeance on the Solo twins, Lah voyaged to the surface of Ebaq 9, hunting Jaina Solo. The two confronted one another, and despite a grueling battle, Lah lost. He died when Jaina Solo plunged her lightsaber into his throat.
尽管征服了科洛桑,但宝贵的遇战疯战士还是在不断地牺牲。为此,最高霸主希姆拉向拉提出了警告。拉希望弥补自己的过失,在农·阿诺的建议下,他率军攻打埃巴克9号卫星。 拉在战争中亲自指挥“云-遇战战斗群”。但是,埃巴克9号战役是一个陷阱,遇战疯人遭受了巨大的损失。愤怒的拉决定向索洛姐弟复仇。他来到埃巴克9号卫星的表面追杀杰娜·索洛。两人相遇后展开了一场恶战,最终,拉被打倒了。杰娜·索洛的光剑刺进了拉的喉咙,拉殒命疆场。 |