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[角色] The Jedi Exile 绝地放逐者(帮朋友发的。。)












发表于 2010-2-27 18:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

"…and where they look at you and see the death of the Force, I look at you and see the hope for all life."

The Human female[2] known as the Jedi Exile[2] was a Jedi Padawan who chose to disobey the orders of the Jedi High Council and aid the Galactic Republic in its struggle against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders during the Mandalorian Wars. Rising to the rank of Jedi Knight during the war, she served with distinction under the command of her fellow crusaders Revan and Alek, and was eventually commissioned as a General in the Republic Military. The Exile played a vital role in defeating the Mandalorians during the latter stages of the conflict, but as a direct result of her controversial actions during the cataclysmic final battle, she effectively cut her connection to the Force, after the battle of Malachor V. Afterwards, she was the only Jedi, out of all those who went to war, to avoid the call of the dark side and return to the Jedi Council to be judged for her crimes.

Exiled from the Jedi Order, she wandered the periphery of known space for almost a decade before returning to the Republic at the height of the First Jedi Purge. Caught up in the schemes of various mysterious factions, she was swiftly drawn into the ongoing conflict and became instrumental in engineering the defeat of the Sith triumvirate ruled by Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, and Darth Traya. Able to sense the Force once more, the Exile emerged victorious from her campaign against the Sith Lords and immediately began a search for the long absent Jedi Revan. In the following years, she and the Jedi that she trained during her travels would prove essential to the process of rebuilding the Jedi Order in the wake of its near annihilation at the hands of the Sith.
她被放逐出绝地教团后,在已知宇宙的边缘徘徊了将近十年,在第一次绝地清洗高潮之际,她返回了共和国。她发现一些神秘小派别的阴谋后,很快就陷入到正在发生的冲突里,并与西斯三巨头达斯赛恩(铁金刚),达斯 尼赫拉斯(面具男)和达斯 崔亚(老太婆,超酷。。)斗智斗勇,最终击败了他们。与原力再次建立联系的她,在击败西斯三巨头后,立刻开始搜寻失踪已久的绝地武士瑞文。在接下来的几年里,她和她在旅途中训练出来的绝地武士们,将在几乎毁在西斯手里的绝地教团的重建过程中,起到关键性作用。

Contents 目录
1 Biography 传记
1.1 Mandalorian Wars 曼德罗里安战争
1.2 Post-Jedi Civil War 绝地内战之后
1.3 The Lost Jedi 迷失的绝地
2 Personality and traits 性格特点
2.1 Return and exile 回归与放逐
2.2 In the company of others 同伴
3 Powers and abilities 能力和技能
4 Significance 意义
5 Behind the scenes 幕后
5.1 Gender
5.2 Alternative storyline
5.3 Romances 罗曼史
5.3.1 Atton Rand 阿登 兰德
5.3.2 Mical 迈克尔
5.3.3 Darth Sion 达斯 赛恩
5.3.4 Visas Marr 维萨斯 马尔(盲眼MM,黑妞)
5.3.5 Brianna 布莉安娜(皓首贱婢,白妞)
5.3.6 Atris 阿翠斯

Biography 传记
Like many Jedi of her day, the Exile started her training as a Padawan at the Academy on Dantooine in the years prior to the Mandalorian Wars, eventually attaining Knighthood. It is not known who she trained under during her tenure there, but it is known that she received some degree of instruction under Master Kavar, a member of the Jedi High Council and a famed Jedi Guardian.[4]

Mandalorian Wars 曼德罗里安战争
"When you returned to us, we saw what had happened. You carry all those deaths at Malachor within you, and it has left a hole, a hunger that cannot be filled."
―Vrook Lamar福鲁克 拉马[src]

When the Mandalorians attacked Republic space, sparking the Wars, the Exile had overwhelming compassion for the lives lost on the Outer Rim, the Exile was soon inspired to join the ongoing battle, becoming part of the Jedi Knight Revan's forces after being been personally recruited by Alek himself[5]; leaving a prospective Padawan, Mical, without a master. The Exile served as a general directly under the command of Revan and Malak during the Mandalorian Wars. She would prove her skills in battle and her knowledge of warfare in many of the war's bloodiest battles and campaigns, including the Battle of Dxun. She also attained the rank of Jedi Knight, but no knowledge is known as to how this happened. It is assumed she proclaimed the rank herself, or one of the few Jedi Masters "promoted" her.

Overseeing the final battle at Malachor V, she gave the order to activate the Mass Shadow Generator when it was clear that the bulk of the Republic's forces, led by Revan, would not arrive in time to engage the massed Mandalorian armada. She watched silently from the bridge of her command ship as the generator crushed both the Republic and Mandalorian forces caught in its destructive wake. The ensuing death and destruction, particularly that of comrades she had come to know during the war, caused such a substantial wound in the Force that the shock would have killed the Exile had she not unconsciously sealed herself away from the Force, effectively severing her connection to it.

Thereafter she was deafened to its call; incapable of sensing it through the interference caused by the Force echoes of the suffering that she had inflicted and been forced to witness.[6] The only Jedi under Revan able to turn away from the dark side after Malachor V, she was also the only Jedi to willingly return to Coruscant and face trial for her actions—and also to defend them. Though Malak wanted Revan to use his assassin droid HK-47 to eliminate the Exile, Revan wanted her to face the Council and show them the error of their teachings, and so let her leave.[7]

"…You have to understand that it was a time of great uncertainly. We just learned that Darth Revan was back with an armada. Every Jedi that went with him was... lost, corrupted, and as dark as their Master. And then there was you. Many thought you were a spy."

Despite an impassioned plea, the Jedi High Council decreed that because she had followed Revan to war, she was to be cast out of the Jedi Order. In reality, the Council feared the "wound" in the Force that surrounded her. Some on the council felt that they were punishing the Exile not because of what she did, but because she was symbolic of the many Jedi that had fallen to the dark side over the course of history.

These council members, most notably Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, felt that she was the perfect opportunity to examine why and how so many Jedi fall to the dark side. But more conservative council members, such as Master Atris, felt no need to do more than exile the former Jedi, even going so far as to comment that it was "as though she were already dead".
这些议会成员中,绝地大师泽斯 凯 艾尔最觉得放逐者是一个千载难逢的良机,在她身上可以找到那么多绝地武士堕入黑暗面的原因,以及如何堕入黑暗面的。但是保守的绝地大师,比如阿翠斯,觉得她被放逐了一了百了,没必要再多做什么,她甚至说出“就当她已经死了”这样的话。

Full details of the Exile's adventures in the Outer Rim are unknown, but it is known that Atris had orchestrated the Exile's return to known space. In order to trick the Sith into revealing themselves, she leaked her return to the galaxy and, predictably, attracted the attention of the Sith triumvirate.

Post-Jedi Civil War

"And now you run in search of the Jedi. They are all dead, save one. And one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness that is to come."
―Darth Sion to Kreia 达斯 赛恩对科瑞亚说

The Exile's return to Republic space occurred in 3,951 BBY, in a time where Revan had vanquished Malak and the last of the Jedi were hunted and killed. The Harbinger, a Republic cruiser bound to Onderon, had been ordered to abort the planned trip and head to the Outer Rim instead, in order to pick up the Jedi Exile. She was requested to be given status as a diplomatic passenger and escorted to Telos IV, though it was made clear that she was to be given no special treatment nor to make any indications of her identity.

During the trip to Telos, the ship received a distress call from a low-stock freighter, claiming to be engaged in a firefight with a Sith warship. When the Harbinger arrived, they found the ship derelict; when the crew boarded the vessel they found it to be empty save for the battered body of Darth Sion. The Ebon Hawk, a small freighter that once had played a major role in the Jedi Civil War, also seemingly deserted, was picked up as well. In the next few days, crew aboard the ship began to disappear; when Darth Sion finally awoke, saying that he had come for the Jedi, the stealthed Sith Assassins revealed themselves and slaughtered the ship's crew
en masse.
在去提罗的途中,飞船收到了一个小型运输船的紧急呼救信号,说他们正与西斯战舰交火。当先驱者号赶到时,他们发现飞船已经被遗弃了。先行者号的船员登上小型飞船,他们发现飞船内空无一人,除了达斯赛恩,和他那伤痕累累的身躯。曾在绝地内战中起着主导作用的小型飞船乌木隼也在这艘船上,但似乎被遗弃了。在接下来的几天里,船员一个接一个的消失。当达斯 赛恩最后醒来,并说他是来取绝地武士的性命时,一直潜伏着的西斯刺客现出了真身,并把船员统统杀了。

In the ensuing chaos, it went unnoticed that an HK-50 unit had drugged the Exile and sealed her away; as the ship died around them, Kreia found her and brought her back to the Ebon Hawk and attempted to flee. Unfortunately they attracted the attention of the now fully-operational warship, which fired on the freighter, damaging it severely and nearly killing both the Exile and Kreia, as well as destroying the HK-50 unit that had stowed away. With the help of the utility droid T3-M4, the Exile was taken care of and the Ebon Hawk was guided to the nearby Peragus Mining Facility.
在随之而来的混乱中,没人注意到一个HK 50机器人把放逐者偷偷藏了起来。船员们惨死之际,科瑞亚发现了她并把她带回了乌木隼,企图逃出去。不幸的是她们被全副武装的西斯战舰发现了。战舰向她们开火,乌木隼遭受重创,放逐者和科瑞亚险些丧命,偷溜进来的HK 50机器人也差点报废。在公用机器人(不知道是不是这么翻)T3-M4的帮助下,乌木隼成功降落在了附近的普拉格斯采矿设施里,放逐者也因此得到了妥善的治疗。

The Jedi Exile meets Atton Rand.When the Exile awoke from her torpor in the mining facility's medlab, she found the inert form of Kreia (who, as she later found out, was a mysterious Jedi Master exiled by the Council supposedly because of her many failed apprentices—Revan especially—and who later guided the Exile through her journey to find the missing Jedi Masters who had sentenced her).
绝地放逐者遇到了阿登 兰德。在采矿设施里的医疗室醒过来后,放逐者发现了科瑞亚一动不动的躺着。(后来她发现科瑞亚是一个神秘的绝地大师,她可能是因为教出了很多失败的徒弟,尤其是瑞文,而被议会逐出绝地教团。后来科瑞亚在放逐者的旅途中引导着她找到了当年宣判她的那些绝地大师。)

They found the facility to be completely abandoned except for malfunctioning mining droids, who attacked the Exile on sight. To add to the mystery, the Exile's Force connection slowly began to return; while searching for a way off the station she found Atton Rand, a man imprisoned within a force cage in the station's brig.

After Darth Sion and a group of his Sith Assassins arrived on the Harbinger intending to kill the Exile, believing she was the last of the Jedi, the three escaped with T3-M4 aboard the Ebon Hawk, traveling to Telos since it was the only available destination in the Peragus facility's navigational charts. While being pursued by the Sith in the asteroid field around Peragus, laser fire from the hijacked warship ignited the volatile fuel within the asteroids. The resulting explosion destroyed both the facility and the planet itself, though the Ebon Hawk and the Sith on-board the Harbinger were able to escape.
在达斯 赛恩认为放逐者是最后的绝地武士并一直想杀了她。在她和他手下的西斯刺客们登上先行者号后,放逐者一行三人已经带着T3-M4登上了乌木隼逃脱了。他们朝着唯一能去的目的地提罗斯进发,因为普拉格斯的导航图中只有提罗斯。西斯战舰在普拉格斯小行星区域里追逐乌木隼的时候,战舰的炮火引燃了小行星里的挥发性燃料。导致了一场大爆炸,采矿设施和星球本身都在爆炸中灰飞烟灭。而乌木隼和先行者号设法逃脱了。

After arriving at the massive Citadel Station in orbit around Telos, the Ebon Hawk and T3-M4 were stolen and brought to the Telosian surface while the Exile and her crew were held for questioning in the Peragus explosion. After a Telosian investigation proved their innocence (though they were "asked" to stay on-station until the Republic's inquiry was complete), they utilized alternative transportation to reach the surface where they were shot down by a Czerka air-defense turret.

A Zabrak engineer named Bao-Dur, who had designed the Mass Shadow Generator and served under the Exile at Malachor V, saw the crash and pulled the three unharmed from the wreckage. While on the surface, they learned that the Ebon Hawk had been taken to the old planetary aqueducts in the polar region of the planet.

Commandeering a shuttle from an abandoned military compound, they traveled to the aqueducts and found Atris there, a member of the Council that sentenced the Exile. Atris was attempting to recover lost Jedi teachings and had surrounded herself with several Echani sisters. These sisters, known as Handmaidens, had vowed not to learn the ways of the Jedi. After a heated debate over what the Jedi should have done during the Mandalorian Wars with Atris, the Exile and her party left with the Ebon Hawk and T3-M4.

The Lost Jedi 迷失的绝地
"But she may never discover the truth, and never know why we cast her out."
"Then that is the future we must accept."
―Lonna Vash and Vrook Lamar 洛娜瓦施和福鲁克 拉马

After leaving the academy, T3-M4 revealed that he had managed to download Atris's database while being held, including a recording of the Exile's trial and records of where the last five remaining Jedi Masters were hiding: Atris on Telos, Kavar on Onderon, Vrook Lamar on Dantooine, Zez-Kai Ell on Nar Shaddaa, and Lonna Vash on Korriban. Coincidentally (although Kreia believed otherwise), these were the same five Jedi on the council that cast the Exile out of the Order. The crew went off to these worlds in search of the Jedi in an attempt to unite them against the Sith and to find the answers as to why the Exile was sentenced as such.
离开绝地学院后,T3-M4说他在阿翠斯那里的时候设法下载了阿翠斯的数据库,包括了放逐者的审判记录,和最后五名绝地长老的下落。在提罗斯的阿翠斯,在奥德朗的卡瓦,在丹图因的福鲁克拉马,在纳纱达的泽斯 凯 艾尔,以及在科里班的洛娜 瓦施。很巧(虽然科瑞亚并不这么认为),这五人正是当年驱逐绝地放逐者的议会成员。放逐者一行人向这些星球进发,搜寻着这些绝地武士,向与他们联合起来对抗西斯,同时想知道放逐她的真相。

During her travels the Exile endeavored to stabilize the political conditions on several planets:
She helped save the Khoonda outpost on Dantooine against Azkul on the First Battle of Dantooine, helped Queen Talia stand against General Vaklu's insurrection on Onderon, and helped the refugees on Nar Shaddaa, who were being exploited by the Exchange. She proceeded to destabilize the criminal syndicate's operations on the moon by killing the crime lords Saquesh and Visquis and by destroying G0-T0's yacht. G0-T0 himself went along with the Exile in hopes of stabilizing the galaxy, though ostensibly in the guise of one of his remote "eyes".

Also during her adventure, the Jedi Exile met many beings who would eventually become her companions. She found many of them to be Force-sensitive, and thus she trained them in the ways of the Force. The Jedi that the Exile trained would eventually recreate the Jedi Order; thusly, the Exile was also responsible for the rebuilding of the Order. During this time Darth Nihilus had sent his apprentice, the Miraluka Visas Marr, to assassinate the Exile. However, after a brief lightsaber duel she was able to redeem Visas, accepting her into the ship's crew. With Visas gained as an ally, the Exile knew she couldn't hide her presence for long, however she also knew that she had an inroad into finding at least one of the Sith Lords who hunted her.
在放逐者的冒险旅途中,她遇到了很多人,最终成了她的同伴。他发现这些同伴中很多都有原力敏感特性,并把他们训练为绝地武士。这些放逐者训练出来的绝地将最终重建绝地教团。因此可以说放逐者对教团的重建功不可没。在这期间,达斯尼赫拉斯派他的徒弟,米拉鲁卡人维萨斯 马尔(漂亮MM,嘿嘿嘿。。。)去刺杀放逐者。然而,在简短的光剑对决后,放逐者设法挽救了维萨斯,并让她成为了自己队伍的一员。维萨斯加入后,放逐者意识到她隐姓埋名的日子不多了,她也意识到自己已经有办法至少找出一名西斯领主。

The Exile submits to the Council's judgment."Step away from her! […] She has brought truth, and you condemn it? The arrogance!"

The Exile witnessing the deaths of Vrook Lamar, Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell at the hands of Kreia.
放逐者目睹了绝地大师福鲁克 拉马,卡瓦和泽斯 凯 艾尔死在来科瑞亚的手上。

After locating and conversing with all of the remaining Jedi Masters, the Exile returned to Dantooine to find the rebuilt Jedi Enclave. There, Masters Vrook, Kavar, and Zez-Kai Ell had formed a council in which they would decide her fate. The masters concluded that, through her actions at Malachor V, she has become a wound in the force, carrying the deaths of all who died in the battle within her, and that by feeding on death and leeching life energy of her companions was how she re-gained her connection to the force.
放逐者找到剩下的绝地大师并逐一与他们谈过后,她回到了丹图因,发现了重建了的绝地飞地(这个翻成领土的话貌似也不对。。)。在那里,大师福鲁克,卡瓦和泽斯凯 艾尔组成了一个议会,决定放逐者的命运。大师们最终得出的结论是,放逐者在马拉库尔5号所做的一切,使她变成了原力的伤口。她承受着所有战死的人的生命的殒灭。她靠着杀戮以及吸取同伴的生命能量来恢复了自己与原力的联系。

According to the Masters, she was a threat to all living beings, and possibly the Force itself, and in time she would possess the same magnitude of power like Darth Nihilus and ultimately consume the galaxy – and it was deemed necessary that she must be stripped of the Force with or without her consent. The Masters re-established her previous sentence of exile, but just before the they could ultimately strip her of the Force, Kreia stormed into the meeting to save the Exile at the last moment. The Exile, still under her stasis state established by the Masters, was left helpless as Kreia used the dark power Force Drain to put the Jedi Masters through the same suffering the Exile had felt on Malachor V, leaving them not only dead, but void of the Force.
按照大师们的说法,她的存在威胁着一切生命,或许还威胁到原力本身。最终她会变得拥有和达斯 尼赫拉斯一样的恐怖的力量,并最终吞噬整个星系。长老们认为必须剥夺她的原力,无论她愿不愿意。他们再次将她放逐,但当他们进行之时,科瑞亚冲进来打断了他们,在最后一刻救下了放逐者。在大师们原力影响下还处于麻木状态的放逐者,眼睁睁看着科瑞亚用黑暗原力:吸取,让那些大师们承受了放逐者在马拉库尔5号时所经历过的痛苦,这不单单杀死了他们,还让他们变成了没有原力的空壳。

After she left, the Exile finally regained her strength and departed for Telos IV to find Kreia, now re-established as Darth Traya. There the Exile was forced to confront Atris at the secret academy. After she defeated her, the Exile was able to persuade Atris to forgive her and help her see the folly of her beliefs. Atris then told the Exile that Traya had fled to Malachor V to wait for her there for a final confrontation.
科瑞亚离开后,放逐者最终站了起来,并飞往提罗斯寻找科瑞亚。这时的科瑞亚重新成为了达斯 崔亚(变酷了很多~~那装束超酷~~)。在提罗斯的秘密绝地学院里,放逐者被迫和阿翠斯交手并打败了她。然后放逐者设法劝说阿翠斯原谅自己,并让阿翠斯看清了自己的想法是多么愚蠢。阿翠斯随后告诉她崔亚在马拉库尔5号等待着她,那将是她们二人最后的对决。

Atris then told her that she was no longer a Jedi and would go into exile and try to find understanding. Shortly thereafter, the Exile participated in the Battle of Telos IV and faced Darth Nihilus aboard the Ravager to keep him from destroying Telos, which he was doing to fuel his hunger for the Force. With the assistance of Visas Marr and Mandalore with his Mandalorians, the Exile defeated him and headed to Malachor V.
阿翠斯随后告诉她说自己已经不是绝地武士,她要放逐自己,去寻求理解。不久之后,放逐者参与了提罗斯4号之战,并登上毁灭者号战舰,面对达斯 尼赫拉斯,阻止他为了满足自己对原力的饥渴而毁灭提罗斯星。在维萨斯 马尔,曼德罗(曼德罗里安人的老大,美国大兵)已经他部下的帮助下,放逐者击败了尼赫拉斯,飞往马拉库尔5号星、

After crashing on the surface of Malachor, the Exile proceeded to the Trayus Academy, where she battled the Sith assassins and confronted Darth Sion himself. After persuading Sion to let go of his hatred, which caused Sion to finally succumb to his numerous injuries and expire, she confronted and tried to redeem Kreia, who had revealed her true identity as a Sith Lord. But Kreia would not have it; though she was somewhat warmed by the thought that her former pupil would still care enough to try and "save" her from the dark side, she vowed that this confrontation could only end in death, and that if the Exile would not fight her, she would break her as she did Sion. After a fierce but short battle, the Exile severed Kreia's remaining hand, as well as their Force bond in a single stroke. Traya hissed at the Exile to finish her, but even after all the evil things Kreia had done, to her, the order, and the galaxy, she chose the path of the Jedi and spared the wounded Sith Lord.

The Exile confronting Kreia.放逐者与科瑞亚的对决。
Rather than accept mercy, Kreia became enraged and continued to battle by animating three lightsabers to do battle for her with the Force, until the Exile had no choice but to strike her down and finish it once and for all. In her final moments, Kreia gave the Exile information about Revan's location in the Unknown Regions and about the future fates of the Exile's allies and the planets they had visited. Shortly after this exchange, Bao-Dur's remote reactivated the Mass Shadow Generator in order to completely destroy the planet. The crew of the badly damaged Ebon Hawk retrieved the Exile and escaped the planet.

Personality and traits 性格特点

Throughout her life in the Force, the Exile formed bonds with her comrades, even those who were supposedly her superiors or lesser in rank. It was said that, during her training, many fellow Padawans were quick to do whatever she did, and that others disliked her intensely.[8] She was regarded as a natural leader and a quick learner as well as generous and kind, though beyond this the personality of her early life is largely unknown.

Return and exile 返回和放逐

In the wake of the Mandalorian Wars she returned to Coruscant and the Jedi Temple to answer for her actions. She was fully aware of what she had done, and tried one last time to convince the Jedi Council of the rightness of her, and by extension Revan and Malak's, actions. Despite her frank conviction and understanding of the consequences, she was exiled; in one last attempt at showing what she meant, she stabbed her lightsaber into the center stone of the Council chambers when asked to surrender it. After her departure, Kavar mentioned that there was "much defiance in that one."

Following the exile's path, she forsook the company of others, preferring to wander about the Outer Rim in as much solitude as was possible. The wars had left many scars on her, both physical and mental, and she was left with a feeling of regret for what she had done and what she had been asked to do. She disliked having to speak about the war, even after returning to the Republic and traveling amongst friends, not even with Bao-Dur, her old friend from the war and its end, the Battle of Malachor V. Her wanderings served to maintain the discipline she had built up during her years of training and suffering the hardships of war.

In the company of others 同伴
Starting with her meeting of Kreia in the Peragus facility, the Exile began again to form bonds with people she met during her travels, people with whom she had an interest in helping to keep alive so that they, in turn, could protect her. Eventually she began to realize the leadership role she was destined for, embracing it in order to teach those Force-sensitives in her company to become the foundation of the new Jedi Order. Also during this the Exile saw it as her duty to help stabilize the Republic in any way possible, reflecting her old sense of compassion and generosity that had initially driven her to war. Because of her experiences in the Mandalorian Wars, she also understood the nature of war and battle and the hard choices that had to be made when conflict was inevitable. 从在普拉格斯采矿设施碰到科瑞亚开始,她就再次在旅途中不断与他人建立原力的联系。她救那些她想救的人的性命,而被救的那些人反过来保护她当作回报。最终,她意识到自己领袖的身份责无旁贷。她接受了这个事实,并训练了对原力敏感的同伴,使他们成为新绝地教团的奠基人。在此过程中放逐者也发现她有责任尽可能保持共和国的稳定,这反映出了她仁慈,慷慨的本性,而当初也正是这些本性让她奔赴了战场。因为她在曼德罗里安战争中积累的经验,她了解战争和战斗的本质,也清楚在战事不可避免时必须做出的艰难决定。

During a visit to the hidden Tomb of Ludo Kressh, the Exile was forced to confront many of her own personality traits as well as many of her past choices and regrets. This took the form of a series of visions, during which she witnessed a twisted version of her being recruited by Malak, a recollection of her actions during the Second Battle of Dxun, an illusionary confrontation between Kreia and various members of her party, and finally a silent apparition of Darth Revan, with whom she did battle. During these sequences much of her character was revealed, determined by choices in the player's dialogue.
当她探索鲁多 克瑞西的墓地时,她被迫面对自己的性格特点,以及她过去做过的选择和遗憾。这一切都是通过幻象呈现的。放逐者在一系列扭曲的幻象中,重新经历了她被马拉克招募,和第二次达克森之战的一幕幕。此外,她还经历了一次与科瑞亚以及各个同伴在幻象中的对决。最终,她面对了瑞文的幻象并与之交战。在这一系列的事件中,她的性格根据玩家选项的不同,而不同的变现了出来。

Powers and abilities

"You are a cipher, forming bonds, leeching the life of others, siphoning their will and dominating them. [...] You are a breach that must be closed. You transmit your pain, your suffering through the Force. Within you we see something worse than the teachings of the Sith. What you carry may mean the death of the Force… and the death of the Jedi."
―Vrook Lamar 福鲁克 拉马

The Exile, at first, was a Force user of average ability, yet a natural leader[8]. At a young age she demonstrated an unusual ability to influence others, and the Jedi Masters believed that she could form bonds through the Force easily to influence those around her, an ability she was not consciously aware of[9]. After reconnecting with the Force, this ability became even stronger. Simply by observing another in action, the Exile could instantly learn techniques and battle stances that would take a Jedi Master years to perfect.

It was believed by the reconvened Jedi Council that this was because of the wound in the Force that surrounded her, which allowed her – like Darth Nihilus – to feed on the death of other life forms to sustain her Force powers (it is not known if this is true, or simply how the Jedi Masters chose to see her in their fear of her condition). This wound was caused by the Battle of Malachor V, and was what originally blocked her connection to the Force. It was also because of the nature of such wounds to feed on death that the Exile began to regain her Force connection on Peragus II, after all the personnel were killed by the HK-50's machinations. And when the Exile traveled the galaxy, killing hundreds in her search for the Masters, she unconsciously fed on all that death, fueling her powers. It was this that caused the Masters such fear – both at her trial and after she had united them on Dantooine – as they thought her condition to be not only a threat to the Jedi and the Force, but a threat to life itself.

However, the crew of the Ebon Hawk believed that the Jedi Masters were wrong, that the Exile's ability to influence others was simply her natural leadership talent as a human, that she did not influence others through the force, but through emotion. This could be a more reliable explanation of her abilities, because the crew of the Ebon Hawk were much closer to the Exile than the Masters and many were her close friends.

Through her informal apprenticeship to Kreia, the Exile was able to learn a number of rare and advanced Jedi techniques, including Breath Control and Beast Trick. She was also proficient in many forms of lightsaber combat and, depending on which classes the player chooses for her, several advanced techniques for channeling the Force, including Force Affinity and Force Potency. She was also proficient in many forms of hand-to-hand and melee combat.

The Exile was fluent in droidspeak, having worked alongside many utility droids during the Mandalorian Wars.

Significance 意义
"You were always a difficult one to read—both when you were tied to the Force, and even more when it was lost to you."
―Zez-Kai Ell 泽斯 凯 艾尔

The ramifications of the Exile's actions were still being felt throughout the galaxy nearly 4,000 years after the defeat of Kreia and the Sith triumvirate. The Jedi she trained would go on to resurrect the decimated Jedi Order into a body that would number thousands until Palpatine's great purge. Furthermore, the actions she took on Dantooine, Onderon, and Telos would ensure the solidification of a Republic that, because of the Mandalorian Wars and Jedi Civil War, had been teetering on the edge of collapse, prolonging its existence for several thousand more years. Whether this ultimately proved to have a positive or negative effect on the galaxy was certainly a subject of debate among historians for centuries to come. Whatever the result, it is undeniable that the Exile was an extraordinary example of a single individual upon which the fate of the galaxy, for albeit a brief time, pivoted.

Behind the scenes 幕后花絮
As of this time (and when TSL's game was released) the character called the Jedi Exile has no name, because the player is prompted to create one, or select a randomly generated identity at the start of the game. Because of this, in game characters only refer to her as "the exile."

Although the character's canon allegiance (dark/light side) has not been stated precisely, she is called a "heroine" in the New Essential Guide to Droids, which many fans believe shows that she is a light-sider. This is backed up by the fact that, as of the release of The Sith Lords, every canon game ending has been the light side version.

Gender 性别

Jedi Exile Female PC Selection.

The Jedi Exile is the main character in the PC/Xbox video game Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. At the beginning of the game, the player may customize the Exile's Jedi character class, appearance, and name. The player may also choose to play a male or female character. The character's gender affects the makeup of his or her party, with Brianna the Handmaiden joining the party rather than Mical the Disciple if the player chooses the male gender. It also affects the optional romantic subplots, with the male player character able to pursue a relationship with Brianna or Visas Marr. Hints of a prior relationship between a male Exile and Atris also appear in the dialogue.[10] The rest of the storyline is unchanged.

While players are free to choose a male or female Exile, the description of the Exile as a "heroine" in The New Essential Guide to Droids has established the Exile as female in the paragraphs quoted below:

"G0-T0 soon became mixed up with an exiled Jedi Knight and her mission to destroy the Sith Lords."
―from the entry on the G0-T0 droid, p. 25[src]

"Five standard years later, T3-M4 appeared aboard the abandoned freighter Ebon Hawk, where he fell into the company of the heroine known only as the Jedi Exile."
―from the entry on the T3 droid, p. 37[src]

"Five years after the Star Forge incident, HK-47 teamed up with the heroine known as the Jedi Exile to battle a trio of Sith Lords."

―from the entry on the HK assassin droid, p. 107[src]

This means all further canonical printed references to the character will describe the Exile as female.

In November 2006, Leland Chee was asked the following question on the forums at starwars.com:
"I was just wondering if you've been called upon to enter a canon ending to Knights Of The Old Republic II:The Sith Lords into the holocron."
―from poster Son Of Skywalker15[src]
To which he responded,

"No. We've avoided anything concrete about the canon ending. The only reason why we decided on a canon gender for the Revan and the exile was out of editorial necessity."
― Leland Chee
列兰德 奇
This confirmation from the Keeper of the Holocron established that the Exile is undisputably female.

Alternative storyline 可选故事情节

Following the tradition of the first KotOR game, the aforementioned light side story is assumed to be canonical. According to Leland Chee as of February 21, 2006, an official decision on this had not yet been reached.[11] However, the New Essential Guide to Droids clearly defines the Exile as the "heroine" in articles about HK-47, G0-T0, and T3-M4. Also, the book says Malachor V was destroyed, which only happens in the light side story.
延续着旧共和国武士一代剧情,后来提到的光明路线的故事流程被认为是主流。列兰德 奇在2006年2月21号表示,官方路线还没有定。但是《新编机器人导读》一书中HK-47,狗头和T3-M4的文章中都提到放逐者是女英雄。此外书中还提到马拉库尔5号的毁灭,这也只会出现在光明路线的结局中。

The alternate dark side story differs in the fates of the planets Exile visits (Onderon is usurped by Vaklu, Dantooine is captured by Azkul and his mercenaries, Telos becomes a world of machines due to its Czerka takeover, and Malachor V remains intact), as well as one party member (Hanharr joins the player's party instead of Mira). Additionally, the Exile kills the Jedi Masters herself upon visiting each planet, rather than having them converge on Dantooine. She instead speaks with Kreia alone there, before Kreia strikes her down and goes to Malachor V. The Exile also kills Atris upon defeating her after the Dantooine encounter.

Kreia's prediction of the Jedi Exile's companions also change, due to her falling to the dark side.

Romances 恋爱
"I do know that you must leave him behind. The same choice that Revan made: where you are destined, you must not take anyone you love."
―Darth Traya 达斯 崔亚

Atton Rand 阿登 兰德
"So, uh, how long have you been a Jedi? Must be tough, you know... no family, no husband..."
―Atton Rand阿登 兰德
Meeting the Jedi Exile when she first walks into his holding cell area in nothing but her undergarments, it was an instant attraction for Atton. After she helped him escape and communicated the utility droid, T3-M4, Atton comments that it must be tough considering how she cannot have a family or husband.

After being blackmailed by Kreia, Atton sticks around the Exile during her mission to find the lost Jedi Masters. Going as far to ask one of the Exile's other companions, Bao-Dur, if he had any chance with the Exile. Bao-Dur does not make a comment at the request and continues his mechanical work on the ship.

Things got more complicated for Atton when the crew landed on Dantooine and the Exile found her prospective Padawan from years before, Mical. Their relationship, though completely friendly, enraged Atton with jealousy, causing Atton to lash out at Mical whenever he simply offered to help. When the bounty hunter Mira joined the crew of the Ebon Hawk, she first noticed Atton's close attention of the Exile and Mical, and even coming close to figuring out his secret.

Eventually, Atton confessed to the Exile after she ran into a pair of Twi'leks on Nar Shaddaa who claimed that Atton was not Atton at all. Atton confessed that he was shown the Force by a woman whom he fell in love with but then killed her for crawling inside his head. With that, the Exile trained Atton as a Jedi.

Mical 迈克尔
"He cannot help but love you, in his way. It is a pure, ideal love he holds, strengthened by your presence and your actions."
―Darth Traya 达斯 崔亚

Mical, or simply the Disciple, knew the Exile from since she was part of the Jedi Order, before the Mandalorian Wars. As a student in the Jedi Order who needed a master, Mical wanted the Exile to be his master above all else. However, when the Exile left for the Mandalorian Wars, Mical was left without a mentor and thus left the order to work with the Republic as historian and scientist. While investigating the ruins on Dantooine, ten years after the Mandalorian War, he met the Exile again. Though at first he denied knowing her, he confessed that the Exile did know him from long ago. The Exile regretted causing such a rift in Mical's future and so trained him as Jedi.

Of course while traveling with the Exile, Mical found himself at odds with the pilot Atton Rand. Both seemingly desired the Exile, although Mical's love was more of admiration of her strength and leadership, and heightened by her beauty. When the Exile attempted to isolate herself after meeting with the three Masters on Dantooine and learning the truth about her powers, Mical sought her out and reassured her, saying that he did not agree with the Council, and that he and the others were there by their own choice.

Darth Sion
"I hate you because you crawl within my head as she does, but your presence holds no thoughts, no teachings, you are just... there, unspoken. I hate you because you are beautiful to me. And in that weakness lies death."
―Sion 赛恩 (铁金刚也毕竟是人啊。。。。)

After stalking the Exile for so long, the Lord of Pain grew attached to her, practically falling in love, although he knew that this just weakened him. When the Exile came to Korriban in search of Master Lonna Vash, Sion had his deadly assassins stalk her through the Korriban Academy. However, after Sion confronted her himself, he called off his assassins and allowed her to escape.

Later, while on Malachor V, Sion confronted the Exile again and told her of his love for her (though he could not describe it exactly) and knew she must fall if he is to remain strong. Sion gave the Exile a choice; either return to the surface of Malachor and let the planet take her life, or he would kill her himself, as either death would be far more merciful than what Traya had in store for her should she fail. However, neither Sion nor the Exile was willing to back down, and they battled. After being struck several times the Exile finally convinced him that his struggle was futile, and he surrendered his life. His last words were to tell her that she was Kreia's ultimate weakness, just as she had been his.

Visas Marr 维萨斯 马尔

"It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was as white and unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery… and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent(恭顺的) tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall."
―Kreia 科瑞亚 (我靠你个死老太婆,说点奇奇怪怪的话,难翻啊。。。)

While Visas and the Exile became close as friends and allies during their journey, in their appearance in TSL video game, Visas developed feelings for, and fell in love with the Exile if the player was male.

From the moment Visas sensed the Exile across space, she recognized that there was someone in the universe who felt the same spiritual emptiness that she felt, someone who had suffered and lost everything they had ever loved, just as she had. But it wasn't until she had challenged the Exile, and was spared, that she came into his service.

After being shown mercy, she pledged her life to serve him without hesitation, so that she might come to understand how he could go on when he carried so much pain within him. She made it her personal mission to help him and protect him until he would be ready to fight her master, Darth Nihilus, but this fervent loyalty came at much to the disapproval of Kreia, and Brianna the Handmaiden.
放逐者宽恕她后,她义无反顾的发誓效忠于他,这样她就能搞清楚背负着这么多痛苦的放逐者是怎么挺过来的。她暗暗决定帮助并保护放逐者,直到他能面对自己的主人达斯 尼赫拉斯。但她热切的忠诚之心让科瑞亚和女武仆布莉安娜觉得很难接受。

A rivalry for the Exile's affections boiled over at one point, when Brianna confronted Visas in her quarters on the Ebon Hawk. Brianna was suspicious of her Sith nature, and perhaps even a little jealous that the Exile had welcomed her into their group without hesitation, and was spending time with her as well. Visas quelled her outrage by confessing that she wished only to serve and protect him, just as Brianna did, and that she could "see" from her movements that she was growing to care for him. Visas then hinted at her own feelings, when before Brianna left, she asked her to describe what the Exile looked like. With her species lacking eyes and her Force vision somewhat damaged in unexplained ways, she wanted to know more and more about him.

For the most part Visas kept these feelings to herself, but when Brianna left the group to take Kreia before Atris, she realized that soon they would be forced to confront her old master, and she suddenly began to fear losing him. She came to the Exile and opened her heart to him, begging him to stay with her and not fight. The Exile told her that he couldn't turn away from this battle, but before they arrived at Telos they shared an intimate moment, using their shared Force Vision to "see" each other.

Eventually Visas was left behind by the Exile, as he traveled into the unknown regions he could not take anyone he cared for with him. However the love she had felt finally helped her to heal her spirit, and make peace with her past. She vowed that she would always wait for him to return, and that if he would not, she would continue loving him for the rest of her life.
最终,放逐者没有带上维萨斯,他向未知星域的旅途中不能带上他喜欢的人。然而她感受到的爱最终帮助她治愈了灵魂的创伤,往事不再令她痛苦。她发誓今生一直会等着他回来,如果他回不来,自己还是会一直爱着他直到生命的尽头。(555放逐者你个没心肝的,我都被感动了。。。你怎么能这么对V mm呢~~)

Brianna 布莉安娜
"I have heard that Jedi sometimes renounce the code by loving another, and fall from the Order. And there are others who keep such unions secret.”
"I think the term is, 'pulling a Bindo.'"
―Brianna and the Jedi Exile.布莉安娜和放逐者[src]
While it is assumed that like in their video game appearance in TSL's that the Jedi Exile and Brianna parted ways relatively early at Telos IV, their story took a much different turn if the Jedi Exile was a man.

Before the Ebon Hawk departed from the hidden Jedi enclave of Telos, Jedi Master Atris privately ordered Brianna to sneak aboard the ship, supposedly to assist the Exile in finding and uniting the lost Jedi against the hidden Sith threat. When her sisters discover her missing, Atris lies to them, telling them that Brianna had voluntarily left with the Exile for reasons that weren't known to her, causing the Handmaidens to believe she had broken her oath. After revealing she had stowed away onboard the ship, the Jedi Exile accepted her onboard for the journey, much to the annoyance of Kreia and Atton.

Through talking, sparring, and witnessing many acts of his good nature, Brianna began to question if Atris had been wrong in her judgment of the Exile. She sought to understand him, in hopes that she might understand the choices her mother and father had made, and why she had started having doubts about the path she had chosen. After three duels with the Exile Brianna declined to continue their training, explaining that repeated duels had a very significant meaning in Echani culture, and she did not want to break her vow to Atris by allowing their friendship from becoming anything more.

This changed however, when the Exile told her that because her mother had been the Jedi Master Arren Kae, that she too had the potential to become a Jedi. Faced with this new information, Brianna made the difficult choice of forsaking her oaths like her parents had done before her, and pledged herself to the Exile's teachings. There was no question that this bond made them grow closer, and at times Brianna found herself jealous of Visas Marr, who was also falling for him.
但是,当放逐者告诉她,因为她母亲艾伦 凯是绝地大师的缘故,她自己也有成为绝地武士的潜质时,一切都发生了变化。得知这个消息后,布莉安娜作出了艰难的决定,就像她的父母一样,她背弃了自己的誓言,并发誓听从放逐者的教导。毫无疑问,这层羁绊让他们走的更近了,而有时布莉安娜也会吃维萨马尔的醋,因为她也喜欢放逐者。

Her feelings towards the Exile and her strong passions worked against her in the end; when tricked into believing that the Exile had been killed by Kreia, she was tricked into bringing her before Atris to be punished. However Atris had already been corrupted by the dark side, and now seething with jealousy she attacked Brianna, nearly killing her with several attacks of Force Lightning, until the Exile arrived and saved her. With her oaths to Atris and her sisters no longer valid, she re-pledged herself to the Exile instead, vowing to stay by his side for as long as he would need her. Their alliance would be short lived; when the Jedi Exile left for the unknown regions he had to leave everyone he cared about behind him, as Revan had done before him. Though it would seem they were destined never to meet again, she would eventually take up the role of Jedi Chronicler and would teach many Padawans about the Jedi who had given up the Force, and became better for it.

If the Exile was male, it was strongly implied that Atris held feelings for him prior to his departure for the Mandalorian Wars—and even after his exile. It seemed that having someone she cared about turn away from the path of the Jedi shook her deeply, and contributed to her fall to the dark side. After Brianna defeats her sisters, Atris confronts her and tortures her with Force Lightning, out of jealousy.











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