管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Vjun 弗君
Acid rains
Acid deserts

A world doused by acid rain downpours that have kept it devoid of vegetation, Vjun is a foreboding planet steeped in the dark side of the Force. The wealthy noble family House Malreaux called Vjun home, until its misguided member, Viscount Malreaux, unleashed forbidden genetic experimentations that led to a deadly psychosis. As a result of that madness, most of their numbers were murdered in cold blood. During the Clone Wars, Count Dooku used the abandoned Chateau Malreaux as a temporary base of operations.
On Vjun, Darth Vader built Bast Castle, a remote, heavily-defended structure that was his private refuge. The planet later served as the headquarters of dark side Executor Sedriss and the Emperor's elite force of Dark Jedi, including Kam Solusar. Luke Skywalker turned Solusar to the light side six years after the Battle of Endor. Soon after, three Ysanna prisoners from Ossus were taken to Vjun to serve as raw material in creating new clone bodies for Emperor Palpatine. The Ysanna were frozen in carbonite to await the future construction of a clone laboratory in Bast Castle, but Luke Skywalker and his Jedi trainees managed to storm the castle and defeat the Emperor's minions.
During the rise of the Cult of Ragnos -- a secret sect of dark side worshippers who were tapping nexuses of Force energy in a bid to resurrect an ancient Sith Lord -- New Republic Jedi agents Kyle Katarn and Jaden Korr discovered and chased away cultists targeting Vjun. Years later, Jedi historian Tionne found evidence that Darth Vader had retrieved Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber and kept it within Bast Castle. She and fellow Jedi Ikrit, Anakin Solo, Tahiri Veila, and Uldir Lochett voyaged to Vjun to claim it and the lost holocron of Jedi Master Asli Krimsan before such treasures fell into the hands of dark side trickster Orloc.

Vjun first appeared in the Dark Empire II comics series from Dark Horse Comics published in 1994-1995, as well as the follow up series, Empire's End in '95. It would figure prominently in 1997's Vader's Fortress, the fifth book in the Junior Jedi Knights young reader series focused on Anakin Solo. In 2003's Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy video game, Vjun and Bast Castle are locales explored in one of the missions. In 2004, Vjun was a setting in the novel Yoda: Dark Rendezvous by Sean Stewart.
弗君星球第一次出现在黑马漫画公司于1994年至1995年出版的《黑暗帝国Ⅱ》及其续集——95年出版的《帝国的末日》系列漫画中。在以阿纳金·索洛为主角的《小绝地武士》青少年系列小说中,1997年出版的第五册《维德的堡垒》详尽地描写了弗君。在2003年发行的《绝地武士:绝地学院》电子游戏里,有一关的场景就是弗君和巴斯特城堡。2004年,在肖恩·斯图尔特撰写的小说《尤达:黑暗之约》里,弗君是故事的发生地。 |