管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Outlander Club 外乡人夜总会

While the upper levels of Coruscant form the arena of choice for diplomats, politicians and business leaders from throughout the galaxy, the lower entertainment districts are just as diverse a sampling of aliens with ambitious agendas.
Once a place of polish and class, this particular gambling club on Coruscant has since become tarnished and somewhat dilapidated. The constant haze and multihued lights in its spacious interior help distract from its faded edges. Its clientele has become seedier, and malcontents have appeared with increasing regularity.
People come to this club for a variety of reasons. Some to seek out companionship, whether permanent or temporary; others look to sell or buy wares both legal and illicit. Still others look to make a fortune by betting on the numerous games of chance. Aside from gambling tables, this club boasts large holographic projections of such sports as Podracing, nuna-ball, and odupiendo races.
Behind a well stocked bar is Bufon Taire, a no-nonsense human with dark skin, a scarred visage, and a milky-white eye. If his concoctions aren't strong enough, those looking for chemical distraction can flag down seedy drug peddlers like Elan Sleazebaggano.
After failing to assassinate Senator Padme Amidala, bounty hunter Zam Wesell fled the scene and eventually ended up in this club to hide. Two Jedi were in pursuit -- Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. The overzealous Zam tried to add a Jedi to her list of kills by shooting him in the back with her short-range blaster, but Kenobi swung around and chopped off her gun-arm with his lightsaber. The sudden act of violence drew the attention of the entire club, but Anakin calmed the crowd by explaining the dismemberment away as official "Jedi business."

The Outlander Club, found on Vos Gesal Street in the Uscru District, next to the Snapping Septoid, is a popular hangout for a wide cross-section of Coruscant glitterati. Its clientele is mostly humanoid, since pan-species clubbing usually requires uncommon resolve and determination.
Case in point, one being's preferred potable may be toxic to another, so similar biology helps keep down the number of accidental poisonings. As an extra measure, bartender Bufon Taire cautiously waters down his drinks -- the fact that it saves him money doesn't hurt, either. His well-stocked bar at the center of the club features color-coded mixes, and such diverse ingredients as Aludium pu-36 and the popular "starshine special" additive.

Though the Art Department provided a number of conceptual atmospheric sketches to provide color and ambience cues for the nightclub, its final design ultimately fell to Production Designer Gavin Bocquet and his crew. Stylistically, the club would be far more cosmopolitan than the last visited Star Wars watering hole, the Mos Eisley Cantina, with a much more stylish clientele.
Each sequence in the nightclub was shot twice, once with dancing extras and once with extras not dancing. In editing together the footage, it was ultimately decided that the dance club would be too distracting, and the gambling club aspects of the place were played up with cheers of victory and big-screen game projections.
在这家夜总会里的每一场戏都被拍摄了两次,一次有舞蹈镜头,另一次没有。在剪辑电影胶片时,主创人员最终没有采纳舞蹈夜总会,因为这很容易分散观众的注意力,取而代之的是一个有胜利欢呼和大屏幕体育赛事投影的賭博夜总会。 |