管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
M-HYD droid M-HYD机器人
binary hydromech droid

The Mini-Huvicko/Yuzabi Dowser binary hydromech droid is a divining droid whose primary function is to locate and harvest subterranean water sources. It is a fifth-degree mech fitted with a retractable vertical sounding array and filtered moisture extractor that disperses sediment from its top mounted exhaust pipe. It is capable of performing rudimentary maintenance on its stationary counterpart, the GX-8 Vaporator.
This model, M-HYD 6804 (nicknamed "Dowser") was one of a shipment brought to Tatooine in the Lucky Despot. Her captain's plan was to market them to the moisture prospectors of the Jundland Wastes to facilitate their search for water catchtraps. The slowness of the M-HYD (an especially negative trait when dealing with the Tusken Raiders, who sought them out for their water caches) combined with the inability of its sensors to penetrate the peculiar magnetic disruptions of the region's crust led to widespread buyer remorse. This resulted in the clashing of the Despot's crew with disgruntled customers in what came to be known as the "Prospector's Riot." The ensuing legal fees and court ordered refunds left the Despot's captain penniless.
这个型号——“M-HYD 6804”(绰号“探水者”)最初由“幸运暴君号”运抵塔图因。该船船长原想把它们卖给绛德兰荒地的水源勘探者,方便他们寻找地下暗流。但M-HYD机器人行动缓慢(在面对塔斯肯袭击者时,这一点显得尤其糟糕,因为他们会抢走M-HYD机器人的储水罐),而且当地星壳有着罕见的磁场紊乱现象,M-HYD机器人的传感器在那里根本不起作用。这一切导致“幸运暴君号”的船员和大失所望的客户产生了冲突。那场冲突被称为“勘探者骚乱”。后来,法院判决“幸运暴君号”必须支付赔偿金和法律费用,其船长为此倾家荡产。
This Dowser was abandoned to attacking Sand People by its owner. Its water cache was stripped and it was left partially disassembled. It was salvaged by roaming Jawas led by Chief Nebit and remained in the hold of his clan's sandcrawler until the crawler was destroyed by Imperial stormtroopers searching for fugitive droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.
这个“探水者”被它的主人扔给了来袭的沙民。它几乎被大卸八块,储水罐也不知去向。在内比特酋长的带领下,一群流浪的贾瓦人救了它。它一直被保存在内比特部落的沙地履带车里,直到履带车被帝国冲锋队摧毁。那群冲锋队员其实在寻找两个逃亡的机器人——R2-D2和C-3PO。 |