管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Mechis III
1.67 meters
Cybot Galactica
Protocol droid
Galactic Empire

They say every family has its black nerf. The same often rings true for droid production lines. While most protocol droids are designed to be courteous and polite, one particular subset of the Cybot Galactic 3PO series was the exact opposite.
The E-3PO series was a specialty line of protocol droid produced during the Galactic Civil War. Housed within its internal components was the TechSpan I, a propriety module that made it possible to interface with Imperial networks, and most importantly, with often rare or undocumented technologies of Imperial subcontractors. With a limited production run and great expense, E-3POs developed an awareness of their special status. This often led to defective metaprogramming over time, resulting in arrogance or haughtiness. Most E-3POs looked down on their fellow droids, particularly civilian-issue models with obvious after-market additions intended to stave off obsolescence.
E-3PO是礼仪机器人中的特殊型号,生产于银河内战时期。其内部组件“TechSpan I”协议模块,能让E-3PO和帝国网络相连。最重要的是,E-3PO能通过该模块接触到帝国转包商提供的技术,因为此类技术往往十分罕见,而且不会被记录在案。由于产量低、费用高,E-3PO逐渐意识到了自己的特殊地位。随着时间的推移,这常常导致元编程错误,使他们变得骄傲自大。大多数E-3PO都看不起他们的同类,尤其看不起那些買来以后修修补补、东拼西凑的民用型号。
It was this personality flaw that caused the megalomaniacal droid IG-88 to use E-3POs as his remote photoreceptors throughout the Empire. IG-88's sleeper programming, inserted at the factory level on the massive production world of Mechis III, would often cause aberrations in droid personalities. Given the E-3PO's already legendary poor disposition, IG-88 could contaminate scores of Imperial protocol droids without drawing much attention.
E-3POs saw such limited distribution among Imperial droid pools that few bothered ever applying individual names or indicators to their serial numbers. They were just simply known as "E-3PO." One particular E-3PO attached to the Imperial Death Squadron was transported to Cloud City to serve as translator liaison with the colony's Ugnaught engineers.
E-3PO was set on being miserable throughout the entire assignment. The paranoid droid believed his Imperial masters were out to destroy him, by forcing him to work with beings who were known for dismantling and melting down otherwise salvageable droids.
While he was translating an Ugnaught's instruction for converting the carbon-freezing chamber's chemical intermix ratios and settings to properly maintain a human test subject's hibernation, the Imperial crew assisting the conversion took to nicknaming E-3PO "E-Gregious." Insulted, the silvery droid stormed out in a huff. Passing a gold-hued protocol droid on his way out, the sour E-3PO uttered a scathing invective to the innocent droid.
After the Imperial takeover of Cloud City, E-3PO remained on permanent assignment on the floating city, serving as Ugnaught liaison for Captain Treece. The droid's brusque tones saw him constantly reassigned throughout Cloud City. When the Imperial occupation fled Bespin, E-3PO was later obtained by the New Republic. Intelligence agents gleefully pored over E-3PO's systems, hoping to find valuable data. The only inside information recovered concerned Imperial dining and casual attire preferences -- the TechSpan module had been hastily removed years previous by an exasperated technician trying to lighten the droid's sour disposition once and for all.
帝国接管了云城后,E-3PO继续在这个漂浮的城市里工作,为特里斯上校充当乌格瑙特人的联络员。他在云城的每个地方都呆过,到处都能听到他粗鲁的话语。不久,帝国占领当局撤离了云城,E-3PO被新共和国俘虏了。情报人员欣喜地检查着E-3PO的系统,希望找到有价值的数据。但其中唯一能获取的信息就是帝国官员的衣食偏好——“TechSpan”模块早在几年前就被一个恼羞成怒的技术员轻率地拆除了,他想一劳永逸地解决这个机器人的暴脾气。 |