管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
1.7 meters
Arakyd Industries
RA-7 Servant / Spy Droid

3B6-RA-7 was a personal-assistant droid presented as a gift to Moff Dunhausen by officials from the Imperial Security Bureau. "Threebee" proved startlingly incompetent, often forgetting key engagements and failing to record the governor's dictation. The Moff heard tales of similar behavior from fellow officers of their RA-7s, along with rumors that the series had been equipped with spy systems to inform on the loyalty of their masters. The stories were true: Threebee had been spying on Dunhausen all along.
While visiting Tatooine (officially, on a 'vacation'), Dunhausen sent Threebee to run errands in Mos Eisley... alone and unescorted. Thirty minutes and an ion blast later, Threebee had been stolen by the Jawa Jek Nkik.
Though Threebee was incompetent -- an intentional fault due to overtaxed programming having to manage protocol and spy duties -- he was no fool. He knew perfectly well that Dunhausen intended to be rid of him, and would have reported the Moff to the ISB had Nkik not removed his data transmitter.
The droid suffered the further indignity of having its classic black shell stripped to its undercoat to prevent overheating in the desert suns. The droid developed a sour and bitter disposition, often squawking insults at any unfortunate newcomers in the droid hold. The droid felt no remorse when stormtroopers blasted every single one of the Jawas holding him captive, though he was shocked to discover he was not the droid they were looking for.
Left behind again, the bitter Threebee was claimed as salvage by a related Jawa clan, and put up for sale at the annual Droidfest. He was purchased by Sholh Dorr, a moisture farmer crippled while pursuing Tuskens decades before. Threebee became his care-giver, and helped the old man run the farm. Threebee came to genuinely care for "Master Dorr," and felt as much at home on his farm as any droid could, and looked forward to when his program priority cycle would allow him to fully forget his past and he could provide Dorr with years of service.
Dorr saw Threebee as a wise investment -- especially after he discovered that since most of the RA-7 series had been destroyed on the first Death Star, his unit was a rare collector's item. Threebee sold at auction on Eport for over a thousand times what Dorr had originally paid.
多尔把3B看成自己最明智的投资——尤其在得知大部分RA-7系列机器人都毁于第一颗死星后,他更意识到自己的机器人是一件珍贵的收藏品。在“电子港”的一次拍卖会上,多尔以高于原价一千多倍的价格将3B出售。 |