管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
narglatch 纳格拉奇兽
Found on Orto Plutonia and Naboo
6.23 meters long
Powerfully built feline quadrupeds, narglatches inhabit the frozen wastelands of Orto Plutonia, as seen in the first season episode of The Clone Wars, "Trespass" (2009; written by Steven Melching, directed by Brian Kalin O'Connell). They are used as mounts by the primitive Talz, who ride the sure-footed beasts across the ice and into battle. Though strong and fierce, these creatures can easily be felled by blaster fire.
Concept Art Origins
The narglatch design was first illustrated by concept artist Terryl Whitlatch as a possible creature found on Naboo. Based on her artwork, the narglatch creature was defined as a Naboo native in the video game, The Gungan Frontier (Lucas Learning , 1999), and in the art book The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide by Terryl Whitlatch and Bob Carrau (2001, Chronicle Books).
Here, the narglatch is described in terms similar to large cat predators in our world: the female narglatch is faster, more agile and the more proficient hunter compared to her male counterpart, able to stalk prey over both land and in water. Narglatches have densely padded feet that silent their footfalls make them remarkably stealthy for their size.
Males and females only commingle during mating season, otherwise they live solitary existences. They are easily distinguished since the males have fleshy spikes emerging from their manes. Both sexes have a fan-like tail that acts as a rudder during high-speed chases. Pregnant females always give birth to twins: a female and male. Narglatch young are abandoned at birth and must learn to fend for themselves at a young age. When food is scarce, male narglatches will eat young cubs, so the cubs must ever remain vigilant.
The younger narglatch cubs prey on herbivores -- swamp and forest-dwellers like ikopi -- while adults can take down fambaa, kaadu and jimvu. They avoid deep water and zalaacas alike, but are actually quite good swimmers if need be.
When defined in roleplaying game statistics in Ultimate Adversaries (Wizards of the Coast, 2004), the narglatch is given a remarkable sense of smell that allows it to track its prey, and formidable night vision.
