管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Toydarian 托伊达里亚人
A short species with blue skin, small wings, and vaguely avian features, Toydarians had stubby trunks that barely concealed stunted tusks, and their thin legs ended in webbed feet. Male Toydarians, such as Watto, had visible whiskers. Although their wings appeared frail, Toydarians could fly quite rapidly and preferred flight to walking. They were also impervious to Jedi mental powers. Although they seemed pudgy, Toydarians were actually quite light, primarily because their tissues were spongy and filled with gas. Toydarian newborns emerged from their mothers' wombs fully developed, resembling miniature versions of their parents, and were able to fly from birth.
The Toydarian homeworld of Toydaria was covered with nutrient-rich muck lakes, which supported a number of predators including dangerous grabworms. Toydarians survived by flying virtually everywhere, only landing on the relative safety of alga mats. However, flight required an incredible amount of energy, replenished through the consumption of concentrated foods and high-energy egg-seeds.
Wars broke out from time to time among Toydarian confederacies when food supplies were low. The skies of Toydaria were filled with buzzing natives, so starship traffic to and from the world's single spaceport was strictly limited to specific times of the day.
The Toydarian government built a light-rail system to ferry offworlders from city to city. While Toydarians incorporated some galactic-level technology into their daily lives, they preferred to dwell in small villages that were far below the galactic standard.
Shrewd bargainers, Toydarians liked to socialize and strike deals. The best of them were proud, loyal, and business-savvy; the worst, greedy, deceitful, and sycophantic. Toydarians liked to gamble, and more daring Toydarian traders made difficult business decisions based on the roll of a chance cube. During the Clone Wars, King Katuunko kept the Toydarians loyal to the Republic, but more so out of admiration for the Jedi than for any real sense of trust in the Galactic Senate.
