副管理员 原力743
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-7
在线时间865 小时
副管理员 原力743
Mace Towani 梅斯·托瓦尼
Blaster pistol

The strong-willed son of Jeremitt and Caterine Towani, Mace is elder brother to young Cindel. The Towani family crash-landed on the forest moon of Endor. Marooned in the forest, Jeremitt and Caterine instructed their children to stay with the ship, but 14-year old Mace, prone to ignoring parental instructions, wandered into the woods with his little sister anyhow.
When his parents returned, they were terrified that their children were in danger. Looking for Mace and Cindel, Jeremitt and Catarine's cries attracted the attention of the evil Gorax, a foul-tempered giant native to Endor. The Gorax captured Jeremitt and Caterine, taking the helpless humans to his mountain lair.
When Mace realized his parents were gone, he was overcome with regret. He quietly vowed to become a better son, and he lamented all those times he had disobeyed his parents. He realized he needed to be strong to protect his sister, Cindel, who was succumbing to a fever on this strange forest moon.
A scouting group of three Ewoks discovered the Towani space cruiser in the forest, and investigated. They found the sickly Cindel and the belligerent Mace, who tried to scare the Ewoks off with his nearly drained ray gun. The Ewoks overpowered Mace and tied him up to take him back to their village. There, the Ewok Deej and his wife Shodu administered to the sick little girl, giving her natural medicines to help combat her fever.
By the next day, Cindel was much better. Mace was grateful for the Ewoks' help, though he doubted their abilities and their intelligence. He was determined to find his parents, so he snuck off in the night with his sister. They were attacked by a borra, a deadly boar-wolf. The Ewoks again rescued the children, killed the borra and discovered that it wore a leather pouch. This meant the borra was domesticated -- clearly belonging to the Gorax -- and inside the pouch were the life monitors worn by Jeremitt and Catarine Towani.
Realizing that the parents were held captive in the Gorax's lair, the Ewoks gathered together a caravan of adventurers to trek to the distant mountains and rescue the elder Towanis. The Ewok shaman Logray equipped each adventurer with a special gift to aide them on their quest. All Mace received with a smooth stone. Disgusted with such a lackluster prize, he promptly discarded it before trudging on. Besides, he carried his blaster and had a vibro-throwing axe at the ready, so he thought he was already well-prepared.
Wicket W. Warrick, who had befriended Cindel, saw Mace throw the rock away, and figured he had best take it. Just in case.
The caravan trekked through the Endor countryside. Mace's impulsiveness almost was his undoing, as he fell victim to a tree-dwelling tempter who lured his attention to a knothole in a tree. By using the camouflaged end of its tongue to pretend to be a smaller, cuter creature, the tempter caused Mace to reach into the knothole, where it proceeded to snag his arm. The Ewoks freed Mace from the tempter's grip, and also saved him when Mace was trapped in a mystical lake, caught underwater by a strange force field. It was incidents such as these that caused Mace to respect his Ewok allies.
When the caravan arrived at the mountain fortress of the Gorax, they could not find a way inside. The key, quite literally, lay inside the rock that Mace had thrown away. Thankfully, Wicket still had it. Cracking the rock open revealed an arrowhead loadstone, which magnetically drew itself to the opening in the rock wall.
Once inside the fortress, the Ewoks were able to defeat the Gorax, but it was not easy. One of their members, the lumberjack Chukha-Trok, whom Mace had grown to admire, was killed. Mace avenged his death by delivering the killing blow on the Gorax; he threw his vibro-axe into the back of the creature's neck, causing it to drop into an unfathomable chasm.
Mace and Cindel were reunited with their parents, but their joy was short-lived. After a few months spent repairing the star cruiser, the Towanis were ready to leave. It was then that the vicious Marauders attacked, looking for the power crystal that fueled the star cruiser. The brutish aliens killed all the Towanis, except for Cindel who barely escaped.
梅斯和辛德尔终于和父母团聚了,但他们的快乐是短暂的。在花了几个月时间修理完星际游船后,托瓦尼一家终于准备离开了。正在这时,凶残的劫掠者来袭,想夺取为星际游船提供动力的动力水晶。这些野蛮的异族人杀死了托瓦尼全家,只有辛德尔死里逃生。 |