管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Techno Union 技术联盟
Confederacy of Independent Systems

One of the most powerful commerce guilds in the Republic, the Techno Union is an organization made up of major technological manufacturers. Starship, computer, weapons and droid developers banded together under the leadership of the Union to further their own business ends.
The Foreman of the Techno Union was Wat Tambor. He allied the organization to the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the start of the Clone Wars, committing the Union's vast technological resources and droid armies to the cause of the Separatists.

Many of the galaxy's most industrialized worlds are key members of the Techno Union. Factory planets like Fondor, Foundry, Mechis III, Telti, and Metalorn churn out cutting edge technology to a galaxy that has become increasingly reliant on innovations for day-to-day needs.
Respected corporations such as Baktoid Armor Workshop, Haor Chall Engineering, Republic Sienar Systems, Kuat Systems Engineering, TaggeCo, BlasTech Industries, and the Corellian Engineering Corporation are all signatories, to some degree, of the Techno Union.
To protect its intellectual properties and technological assets, the Techno Union had been given alarming freedom to maintain its own droid security as protection. Shipyards and research laboratories grew to house huge droid armies, which were eventually funneled to the Separatist cause during the Clone Wars.

The shortcomings of battle droid infantry were soon apparent to the engineers of the Techno Union. The creativity, resilience and fighting spirit of the Republic's clone trooper kept getting the better of the soulless battle droids, so that Wat Tambor commissioned an experimental thinktank to develop alternative infantry. From here came such suggestions as the Morgukai clone warriors of Saleucami.
On Nelvaan, the Techno Union established a secret laboratory to experiment with mutagenic agents and cyborg control devices. Using captured Nelvaanians, the Techno Union scientists transformed the proud warriors into horrible mutated slaves. To power the laboratory, the Skakoans used a captured geothermal crystal to drive a siphon generator that bled all the thermal energy from the surrounding countryside. The disappearance of their male warriors and the endless winter that followed gravely concerned the Nelvaanians of Rokrul village.
The villagers recruited the help of Anakin Skywalker, who followed the frozen trail to the hidden laboratory and destroyed the operation. He deactivated the siphon generator, returning the energy to the land, and freed the Nelvaanian mutants. Skywalker also killed all the Skakoan scientists before they could escape.

The Techno Union starships seen in Episode II are very retro in their design, harkening back to rocket ship concepts from pulp-era science fiction stories.
出现于《第二部》的技术联盟星际飞船在设计上非常怀旧,采用了廉价杂志时代科幻故事里的火箭飞船概念。 |