管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
翻译:Darth Maul
Death Star II 死星二号

Approx. 160 kilometers in diameter
Hoping to crush the Rebellion once and for all, the Empire began construction of a second dreaded Death Star near Endor. But the project ran behind schedule; Death Star II was only half-finished, and the Emperor himself visited to oversee its completion.

In order to destroy Death Star II, the Rebel Alliance developed a two-pronged strategy: Han Solo and his strike team would destroy the superweapon’s shield generator on Endor, while Lando Calrissian, piloting the Millennium Falcon, would lead an aerial assault. But when the Alliance came to mount its attack, the Emperor revealed a terrible surprise: though it remained structurally incomplete, the Death Star II was still a “fully armed and operational battle station.” He gave the order to fire at will, and easily destroyed one of the Rebel fleet’s large Mon Calamari star cruisers. Yet Lando refused to retreat, and instead engaged the Empire’s TIE fighters and Star Destroyers. This improvisation gave Rebel ground forces more time, and Han was eventually able to destroy Death Star II’s shield generator. Lando and Wedge Antilles (in an X-wing) both flew inside the superstructure, knocking out its main reactor and finally destroying Death Star II.

Within three years of the Death Star's demise, the Galactic Empire again proved its evil nature with the construction of a second Death Star in a remote region of space. Fortunately for the galaxy, the Empire never completed this monstrosity. Word of its construction was spread through the Rebel ranks by Bothan spies. The Alliance was able to pinpoint the exact location of Death Star's construction, and mount a pre-emptive strike to destroy the station.
The leaked information was all a ruse. The scheming Emperor Palpatine engineered the Rebellion's discovery of the Death Star in the hopes of trapping the growing Rebel fleet. The second Death Star would not be as vulnerable as the Rebels believed.
To ensure that the Death Star would destroy the lured Alliance fleet, Palpatine entrusted the supervision of its final phase of construction to his Sith apprentice, Lord Darth Vader. Vader motivated the Death Star's commander, Moff Jerjerrod, to see that the battle station was operational when the Emperor arrived for his inspection tour.
The second Death Star was not a complete sphere. Though much of the battle station's recognizable shape was visible, there were huge sections of exposed superstructure and visible skeleton. To protect the half-completed and immobile station during its construction, the Empire projected an immense deflector shield from the nearby forest moon of Endor. The shield was strong enough to protect any breach from both capital and starfighter-class ships.
The Alliance sent a commando team to land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator while the Rebel fleet emerged from hyperspace to destroy the station. Unlike the previous Death Star, whose reactor core was accessible only from a two-meter wide exhaust port, the second Death Star's heart had to be destroyed by actually flying into the superstructure and detonating the collosal power plant.
The commando team was waylaid by Imperials and the Rebel fleet arrived to find the deflector shield intact. Worse yet, the superlaser was operational, and began destroying Rebel Mon Calamari cruisers with each blast. General Lando Calrissian came up with a daring and foolhardy tactic to engage the Imperial fleet at point-blank range, thus limiting the Death Star's available targets.
Aided by the native Ewoks of Endor, the Rebels were able to infiltrate and destroy the shield generator complex. With the shield down, General Calrissian led the Alliance starfighters into the inner recesses of the Death Star. There, he and Wedge Antilles loosed a volley of ordnance that began an immense fireball that tore apart the station.
Emperor Palpatine's body was consumed in the explosion. The Imperial fleet never recovered from the fiasco. What was to be the Rebel Alliance's demise instead turned into the death of the Empire. As firey fragments of the battle station burned away in Endor's atmosphere, the celebratory cheers of freedom rang throughout the forests, and indeed, the entire galaxy.

It's a miracle that Bevel Lemelisk survived the fallout of the first Death Star to engineer a second superweapon, but somehow he did. His handiwork followed such endeavors as the Tarkin weapons testbed, and included features that corrected mistakes learned form the first battle station.
Rather than rely on thermal exhaust ports to vent the reactor's incredible excess heat, the second Death Star would instead funnel the waste energy through a series of millimeter-wide heat dispersion ducts.
The second Death Star's size ballooned to about 160 kilometers in diameter, far larger than the original, and featured a superlaser of greater power. Not only could this prime weapon deliver a more devastating blast, but it could fire more often and with greater accuracy.
The second Death Star, if completed, would have featured over 30,000 turbolaser batteries, 7,500 laser cannons, 5,000 ion cannons and 768 tractor beams.

The design challenge of the second Death Star was to suggest a weapon that was incomplete, yet still formidable. The artists experimented with different stages of completion.
The final Death Star model measured 137 centimeters in diameter, and only included the station's "front" side. Constructed of Lucite, the station also featured photo-etched thin metal sheets. Micro holes were scored into the Death Star's surface, illuminating the station with hundreds of tiny lights. The second Death Star model is actually the reverse of what appears on film, with most of its left-hand superstructure incomplete. The image of the battle station was flipped horizontally when used in the final film.
Other sections of the station were created through sectional models and matte paintings. One painting of an equatorial hangar bay features elements of the San Francisco skyline, including the Transamerica Pyramid.
这座太空站的其它区域由局部模型和背景彩绘实现。一幅赤道机库的背景彩绘拥有旧金山地平线的元素,包括泛美金字塔。 |