管理员 原力10531
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5795 小时
管理员 原力10531
Today I canceled the Star Wars comics I'd been following and decided to step away from the franchise as a whole. Not out of spite or anything, but because I came to the realization that "my" Star Wars is kind of...over. Growing up, it was amazing to find that there was more out there. Everything from comics about the ancient history of the Sith to novels about the galaxy in the years following Return of the Jedi consumed my imagination, and on top of that there were even more movies on the horizon. It was a great time to be a fan.
Ever since then, though, the magic has kind of faded for me. The prequels didn't live up to my expectations, but they still paved the way for a lot of great EU material, and that's been my lifeline for the past several years. Thing is, a lot of that stuff doesn't mean anything now, since the Clone Wars TV series threw out a ton of material I'd grown to really appreciate.
If a TV series can disregard canon and mess with continuity so much, imagine what a new trilogy would do. With the Clone Wars, I got over it and kept going because that era of continuity didn't mean as much to me. But to see them throw out Mara Jade, Thrawn, Yuuzhan Vong...there's just so much about the post-original trilogy EU material that I'm just too invested in to be able to just stomach that it now means nothing.
So...it's been fun. For a lot of people, October 30th will mark the day that their dreams of new SW movies came true, and that's great. But for me, it marks the end of an era. "My" Star Wars has been slipping from my grasp for the last decade, but today, it's officially over. There's just no way they're going to respect the legacy the creators of the EU have set: they didn't when they made the prequel trilogy, they didn't when they made the Clone Wars series, and they certainly won't now. So I think it's time to close the book on Star Wars and just be glad I was able to enjoy it for as long as I did.
原文地址:http://boards.theforce.net/threa ... age-3#post-50121458
这位星战迷的话几乎道出了我们老一代星战迷的心声。但是,我本人比他稍微乐观些。毕竟,过去一而再、再而三颠覆EU设定的人主要是乔治·卢卡斯本人。这次卢卡斯隐退,说不定迪士尼新请的编剧和导演能兼顾老星战迷的感情。毕竟,星战是唯一几十年来将所有衍生作品都列入正史、没有平行宇宙、没有重启、坚持单一线形故事结构的主要科幻作品。这一难能可贵的传统如果被抛弃,那就太令人惋惜了。 |