管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Chancellor Valorum's shuttle 瓦洛伦议长的穿梭机
32 meters long
Kuat Systems Engineering
Eddicus-class air transport
Galactic Republic

A common sight in the skies of the Senate District, the Eddicus-class planetary shuttle was commissioned by the Senate as formal transportation in diplomatic situations. The shuttles attached to the Chancellor's office bore the blue color representing the Galactic Senate. Use of these shuttles was also offered to honored guests of the Chancellor, like Queen Amidala during the Naboo crisis. The shuttle was named for celebrated Chancellor Anwis Eddicus, who helped end the devastating Death Seed plague.
Built by Kuat Systems Engineering, the Eddicus-class shuttle was created as a atmospheric answer to the Consular-class space cruiser from Corellian Engineering Corporation. The idea to use Kuat was suggested by Senator Palpatine, a member of the subcommittee overseeing the project. Palpatine professed the need to diversify manufacturers lest the Senate be accused of bias in favor of CEC.
The Eddicus-class was an original, but matched common design sensibilities. Deflector shields protected the shuttle's passengers, while a sophisticated security suite provided a sound-dampening field and countermeasures to ensure against electronic surveillance. The specifications of these features were classified, known only to the appropriate committee members. The shuttle's transparisteel-domed guard station allowed security personnel to visually scan the skies for trouble.
In addition to the classified technology inside the shuttle, devices for a sinister purpose were hidden within. Palpatine's true reason for choosing KSE was his undisclosed connections within the corporation. The shuttle's security equipment concealed listening devices whose recordings were only accessible to Palpatine and carefully chosen engineers. Neither Chancellors Valorum nor Kalpana had any knowledge of the devices. In the years following the introduction of the shuttles, Senators marveled at the surprising insights that came from the humble Naboo senator.
除了上述机密技术,穿梭机里还隐藏着一些其它设备,它们被用于不可告人的目的。帕尔帕廷之所以选择夸特系统工程公司,是因为他和这家公司有着不为世人所知的联系。穿梭机的安保系统里暗藏监听设备,而监听记录只对帕尔帕廷和部分仔细甄别过的工程师开放。瓦洛伦议长和卡尔帕纳议长都对此一无所知。这种穿梭机投入使用后,那位低调的纳布议员在许多事务上都表现出非凡的洞察力,令其他议员赞叹不已。 |