管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
proton torpedo 质子鱼雷

Small snubfighters like the Alliance X-wing and Y-wing starfighter often have their laser weaponry complemented by ordnance launchers capable of firing proton torpedoes. The energized torpedoes carry a devastatingly powerful blast, and can be fired at much greater ranges than the standard laser cannon. During the Rebel attack run on the Death Star, Alliance fighters had to use high-speed proton torpedoes on the thermal exhaust port that protected the Death Star's sole vulnerable point. Since the port was ray-shielded, standard laser weaponry would be ineffective.

The proton torpedo is a weapon usually held in reserve during starfighter combat. Limited space aboard the tiny fighter translates into limited weapon payloads, and the cash-strapped Alliance is careful not to squander these expensive warheads. The destructive power delivered by a pair of torpedoes is far greater than the combined blast of a starfighter's laser weapons, so even though they are used sparingly, they are still quite effective.
The heart of a proton torpedo is the proton-scattering warhead, often triggered by a nergon-14 explosive. The entire conical torpedo is sheathed in a field of energy that prevents accidental detonation caused by collision with debris or laser cannon near-misses.
Typically a starship-fired anti-vessel weapon, there are several shoulder-fired proton torpedo launchers used by special units in both the Imperial and Alliance military.
虽然质子鱼雷通常是星际飞船发射的反舰武器,但有几种肩扛式质子鱼雷发射器被帝国军与同盟军的特种部队所使用。 |