管理员 原力10835
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5825 小时
管理员 原力10835
Seti Ashgad 塞蒂·阿什加德
Nam Chorios

One of the top hyperdrive engineers of the Old Republic, Ashgad was also a political foe of Senator Palpatine. When Palpatine rose to power, Ashgad was exiled to the onetime prison planet Nam Chorios. When Chief of State Leia Organa Solo traveled to Nam Chorios, she met with the apparent son of Seti Ashgad, who had the same name. Ashgad, a profiteer, was the unofficial spokesman for a group called the Rationalist Party, which was trying to assist Newcomers -- recent voluntary immigrants to Nam Chorios. Ashgad wanted to convince Leia to allow trade to begin between Nam Chorios and the New Republic. Opposing that aim were the Theran Listeners, longtime Nam Chorios inhabitants. Adept at healing, they operated the ancient gun stations that prevented prisoners from leaving the planet and eschewed much of modern technology.
Ashgad Jr. was actually Ashgad Sr. He had been kept alive and young by Dzym, a mutated droch. (Drochs were insect-like creatures that could burrow into the flesh and consume life; they caused the Death Seed plague, although there hadn't been an outbreak of the horrific malady for seven centuries.) Both Ashgad and the once powerful Beldorion the Hutt paid the price for being kept ageless by Dzym -- they were his virtual slaves. Nine years after the Battle of Endor, Leia secretly visited the planet to meet with Ashgad, who took her prisoner, then unleashed the Death Seed plague across three-quarters of the sector. He planned to disable the planet's gun stations -- Dzym and the drochs desperately wanted to leave the planet where they had been trapped for centuries -- and allow the Loronar Corporation to strip-mine the smokies, a type of Force-sensitive crystal.
After a series of confrontations and battles, Luke Skywalker was able to communicate with the planet's crystals, and they linked to crystals aboard Dzym and Ashgad's fleeing ship, blowing up the craft.
经过一系列冲突和战斗后,卢克·天行者跟这颗星球上的水晶进行了交流。在齐姆和阿什加德逃跑时乘的那艘飞船上有他们的同胞。于是,星球上的水晶跟飞船上的水晶取得联系,引爆了那艘飞船。 |