管理员 原力10564
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5802 小时
管理员 原力10564
Setron 塞特龙
The jungle planet of Setron holds many secrets — and pungent aromas. Previously serving as the location of one of the Empire’s secret medical bases, the facility was abandoned, bombed out, and has now been given over to nature. But the slither vines and other Imperial experiments that have consumed the structure pose a deadly threat to all those who visit.
丛林行星塞特龙充满刺鼻的香味——和许多秘密。那里曾经坐落着一座帝国秘密医学基地。后来这处设施被废弃和炸毁,现在已被自然侵蚀。蛇行蔓和其他帝国实验产物占据了建筑,对所有拜访这里的人构成致命威胁。 |