管理员 原力10793
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5821 小时
管理员 原力10793
Grace Sienar 格雷丝·西纳

Grace Sienar is a distant scion of the Sienar family, who are infamous for creating and manufacturing Imperial TIE fighters. Born into a secluded life of luxury, Grace would run away from home for a taste of freedom, only to learn how the people of the galaxy were suffering at the Empire’s hands. When she finally left for good, Grace spent years dodging family retainers and bounty hunters determined to bring her home, before joining the Rebellion. Refined and charming even under fire, Grace’s detailed knowledge of Imperial ships helps her blast them to atoms.
格雷丝·西纳是西纳家族的远亲。西纳家族因生产建造帝国TIE战斗机而闻名。格雷丝从小过着与世隔绝的奢华生活。她想逃离家庭,品尝自由的滋味,却发现银河人民在帝国的魔掌中艰难度日。她离家出走的最初几年一直在躲避企图抓她回家的家仆和赏金猎人,直到她加入起义军。哪怕在战火下,格雷丝也举止文雅、魅力四射。她对帝国飞船有细致入微的了解,因此能更好地把它们打成粉末。 |