管理员 原力10562
共和国币0 注册时间2009-1-22
在线时间5802 小时
管理员 原力10562
Terisa Kerrill 特丽萨·克里尔
Terisa Kerrill lived as a starving orphan on the streets of Coruscant, until the Empire gave her a life of honor and purpose among the stars. From her beginnings as a gifted TIE pilot, Terisa has always seen Imperial military service as a path to a better life, and an opportunity to cleanse the last traces of the old Republic’s decadence and corruption. Though young, Terisa shows a natural talent for command, and her unshakeable loyalty means she will defend the Empire to the last.
特丽萨·克里尔是孤儿,曾在科洛桑街头饥肠辘辘,是帝国给了她在群星间有荣誉、有意义的人生。从成为一名有天赋的TIE飞行员开始,特丽萨就一直认为帝国军队能带来更美好的生活,能清除最后一丝旧共和国的堕落与腐败。虽然年纪不大,但特丽萨表现出了天生的指挥才能。她对帝国毫不动摇的忠心意味着她将誓死保卫帝国。 |