旁白是蕾伊的台词:Someting inside me has always been there, then I was awake, that I need help.
卢克的台词:I've seen these raw strength only once before, it didn't scare me enough then, it does now.
凯洛·伦驾驶的飞船是TIE/VN太空优势战斗机(TIE/VN space superiority fighter),俗称TIE“沉默者”战斗机(TIE Silencer)。在远处的背景里,可以依稀看见“至高无上号”。“至高无上号”是唯一一艘“宏大级”歼星舰(Mega-class Star Destroyer),翼展达六万米,是目前《星球大战》宇宙里最大的军舰,其上部外观如下:
旁白是凯洛·伦的台词:Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to. That's the only way to become what you are meant to be.
波·达默龙的台词:We have a spark, that'll light the fire, that'll burn the First Order down.
站在他身后的应该是凯德尔·科·康尼克斯中尉(Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix)——她在《原力觉醒》中也出现过: