The Mos Eisley Cantina attracted patrons from all walks of life and all manner of species. One head-turner was this particular specimen, who resembled a two-meter tall praying mantis.
A tall alien with a short temper, Kitik Keed'kak is a Yam'rii female known for her stealth and technical aptitude. A carnivorous insectoid, Keed'kak's taste receptors quiver at the thought of fresh eggs -- especially those of sentient Quor'sav. Her multifacted eye had been scoping out Kal'Falnl C'ndros' brood of eggs with covetous intent.
Known simply as "Praying Mantis," this alien puppet was operated by the late Jack Purvis, who played numerous roles in the original trilogy, including the Jawa chief, the Ugnaught chief, and Teebo the Ewok.