超级版主 原力735
共和国币0 注册时间2009-2-10
在线时间1277 小时
超级版主 原力735
·The Citadel combat scenario seen during the clone training sessions in "Clone Cadets" are named after the Citadel installation in this trilogy.
·When escaping the crab droids, Commander Cody pulls a move that one of his clone troopers in Episode III will later do on Utapau -- running atop a crab droid and gunning it down.
·The Expanded Universe of Star Wars novels originally had Even Piell survive the Clone Wars only to be killed while as a fugitive in the early days of the Empire. Piell's death in the Citadel Mission is the character's true fate.
·In the script for this episode, Osi Sobeck was to have been killed by Tarkin. Tarkin would have shot an unarmed Sobeck in cold blood, causing the Jedi to further question his honor.
·When Saesee Tiin refers to "the Old Republic," he is talking about the government that predates the modern founding of the Galactic Republic 1,000 years ago. That is a time of great strife and conflict, when the Sith battled against the Jedi.
·Saesee Tiin's starfighter has the same pattern on it as Ahsoka Tano, but in a different color. Likewise, Adi Gallia's fighter has the same pattern as Plo Koon's starfighter, seen in earlier episodes.
·During the space battle, a clone trooper aboard an exploding Republic vessel lets out a distinct, high-pitched scream. This scream, called the "Wilhelm," is an old sound effect that dates back to the 1930s, and appears in all six of the live action Star Wars feature films.
·The Plo's Bros gunship that rescues the strike team from Lola Sayu is designated a "space gunship", with a sealed cabin and search spotlights mounted in the gunnery sockets.
负责救援洛拉萨尤渗透小队的“普罗的兄弟”号炮艇 被设计成一艘“太空炮艇”,在重炮插槽位置安装了一个密封舱和搜索聚光灯。
·The anoobas are actually a concept designed for Episode I by concept artist Terryl Whitlatch, who explored the sharp-toothed hound as a possible creature on Tatooine.
阿努巴实际上是由概念艺术家Terryl Whitlatch为EP1设计出来的一个概念,他把这种尖牙猎犬设为可能出现于塔图因上的一种生物。
·The cage the anoobas are kept in was visually inspired by the velociraptor cages in Jurassic Park.
出处:http://www.starwars.com/theclonewars/guide/episode320.html |