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[电影] 【访谈】娜塔莉·波曼:禁断的爱情









发表于 2009-3-13 17:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 August 于 2010-1-17 11:30 编辑

(Natalie Portman:Forbidden Love)

不再是女王(No longer Queen)

No longer the teenage Queen of Naboo, Padmé Amidala takes on a new role in Attack of the Clones. It's been 10 years since the events of The Phantom Menace, and the beautiful and beloved leader has moved on to representing her people in the Senate, taking the seat formerly held by now-Chancellor Palpatine. She's as fierce and determined as ever, but the childlike sense of wonder she felt when hiding on Tatooine has given way to a focused awareness and sense of purpose. Like the actress who plays her, Padmé Amidala is all grown up.

Natalie Portman, who turns 21 this summer, was 15 when she started work on her first Star Wars movie. Since then, she's spent the past three years studying at an Ivy League university, starred in the movies Anywhere But Here and Where the Heart Is, performed with Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline in Chekov's The Seagull at New York's Public Theater, and adorned the covers of numerous magazines, becoming recognized the world over as one of America's finest young actresses. For her next film, the dark comedy The Bride Wore Black, Portman begins making the transition into more mature roles.
在今年夏天刚迎来21岁生日的娜塔莉·波曼,在开始首部曲的拍摄时只有15岁。自那以后,娜塔莉·波曼花了三年时间在常春藤大学念书,主演了《管到太平洋》和《心归何处》,还在纽约公共大剧院与梅丽尔·斯特里普和凯文·克莱恩合作出演了契科夫的名剧《海鸥》,她的肖像也出现在众多杂志封面上,这她成为世界知名的美国最杰出少女演员之一。而在接下來的惊悚片“The Bride Wore Black”中,波曼开始了向成人角色的转型。

Indeed, Portman said that her biggest challenge for Episode II was making Padmé seem 10 years older than she was in Episode I, even though Natalie herself had aged only three years. "George told me that the struggle for this one is to make me seem older," Portman said. "He's been working with me on that. He wants to make sure I seem older than Anakin, so it's believable that I can be bossing him around, and he's a little intimidated. She looks at him as a little boy--at least for the first half of the film."

It's in the second half the film that Anakin's return to her life stirs feelings in Padmé that prove hard to ignore. "There's a scene where Anakin and I are finishing dinner, and he uses his Jedi powers to make the fruit fly, which scares me a little, but it turns into a flirting tactic," she recalled. "I don't think George was satisfied with the dialogue he had written, because he told Hayden and me to just improvise--which was amusing, because it got inappropriate very quickly. It was a fun scene to shoot, although we felt pretty stupid biting fruit which didn't exist out of the air."

Besides the budding romance, it's clear that Padmé is an adult by her clothing. Known for bold fashion and hairstyle choices (as was her future daughter Princess Leia, she of the metal bikini fame), Padmé's 19 outfits made for Attack of the Clones include some a bit sexier than the young Queen would ever have worn.

"There's one we call the leather-and-lace outfit," Natalie said, "which is for when Anakin and I have dinner for the first time. It's this very tight corset, with these gloves, and it's beautiful. There are a lot of corsets that are very tight, which I'm sure everyone will notice. I didn't really believe it until I wore it. That's what's different about the costumes in Episode II as opposed to Episode I--whereas Episode I was queenly, it was still made for a young girl. Now I'm supposed to be a woman, so we've got a lot of midriff, and a lot of tight corset

超越年龄的智慧〔Wise beyond Her Years〕

While appearing older was a major concern for Episode II, Portman said the situation had been exactly the opposite the first time around. "George told me his biggest struggle with Amidala was to make it believable that a 14-year-old would be Queen," she said. "No one could doubt she could be Queen, so we worked a lot on voice and posture, all the movement and facial expressions, to make it very stern. Even though it's already more acceptable just because it's part of the Star Wars universe, I think it was a little less questioned because of all the stuff we worked on."
虽然让自己显得“成熟点”是EP2中一个主要的议题,但波曼说在EP1中情况却刚好相反。“乔治对我说,对于阿米达拉这个人物,他最难的地方就在于要让人们相信一个14岁的女孩能成为女王,”她说,“不能让人对她能成为女王表示怀疑,因此我们在声音、姿态,所有那些步态以及面部表情上下了大功夫,要让人觉得震撼。虽然单凭《星球大战》这个名字就能消除不少疑虑,我想没有受到太多置疑的主要原因还是在于我们所有的那些努力。”(附注:根据Making of the EPI一书所说,波曼曾接受语言学家的帮助来表现两种截然不同的说话方式:一个是女王,另一个是替身女王的侍女)

Portman's performance was a success partly because the actress has always brought to her roles a certain maturity that seemed beyond her years, beginning with her widely acclaimed debut in The Professional (also known as Léon), which she made at the age of 12 after being discovered in a Manhattan pizza parlor by a representative of Revlon. She followed with another scene-stealing turn in Beautiful Girls and a trio of supporting roles as three different daughters, playing the child of Al Pacino in Heat, Goldie Hawn in Everyone Says I Love You, and President Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's Mars Attacks! Portman also drew raves for a run on Broadway starring in The Diary of Anne Frank. Portman
波曼成功的表演部分原因就在于:从她12岁那年在曼哈顿比萨店里被Revlon的一个代表发掘,出演了那部广受好评的The Professional(另一个题目是Léon,《这个杀手不太冷》)开始,她看来总是能给她的角色带来一种超越自己年龄的成熟感。接下来她又在《美丽女孩》中再次有了抢走主角风头的配角表演,并且在三部不同电影中出演了女儿的角色:在《盗火线》中扮演了艾尔·帕西诺的女儿,在《人人都说我爱你》中是哥尔黛·豪,在蒂姆·波顿执导的《火星人玩转地球》中扮演了总统杰克·尼克尔森的女儿。波曼也在百老汇戏剧《安妮日记》中担任主演,大受好评。

Fame came early for Portman, but the actress said she's gained insight into what's important in life. "I remember when I was younger, thinking, 'Why wouldn't someone want to be famous?'--like, famous is the coolest thing you could be," she said. "But when you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. It's important not to get too narrowly focused and keep that perspective."

George Lucas was confident enough in Portman's potential and abilities to offer her a starring role in his next three Star Wars movies, and her winning performance rewarded his faith. As Amidala, Portman radiated strength and self-assurance without sacrificing the sense that this leader was still a very young girl stuck with an adult's job. Infusing her character with courage and compassion, the actress made believable the link between Padmé and Princess Leia, the daughter who follows so closely in her footsteps.

"It definitely did come into play how strong and smart a character Carrie Fisher portrayed, because I think that a lot of that is passed on from parent to child," Portman said. "I think George wrote Amidala as a strong, smart character, but it helped to know that I had this great woman before me who had portrayed her character as a fiery woman."

But despite creating a cinematic kinship with Carrie Fisher, Portman said she had yet to meet the actress who played the Princess when she shot The Phantom Menace. "I never met Carrie Fisher before I did the film," she said, adding that Attack of the Clones was to be a different story. "I recently met her for the first time. We were at an event together, and she introduced me as her mother!"

有其女必有其母(Like Daughter, Like Mom)

Like Leia, Amidala has carried both a royal title and a Senatorial role. "Amidala is now a Senator--she's not a Queen anymore," Portman said. "She has resigned because she believes that is the way a rightful government is conducted, that one leader should not be in power too long. At this point, she is still very powerful and respected, and she's putting her career in front of her personal plans. The fact that Amidala doesn't start a relationship with Anakin when she has feelings for him shows that she doesn't really think of her own desires before her role as a leader of people."

Portman said her character sacrifices her own happiness because her convictions are so strong. "She's a very idealistic person," the actress said. "She's a very honest and good person, and because of that, sometimes she's a na?ve person. She doesn't imagine that other people aren't as good as she is. She's very strong and intelligent, but her weakness is that she doesn't think about what she needs for herself. She is always thinking about her career and role as a leader, as opposed to her role as a woman, a person, a human being."

The forbidden nature of her love for Anakin makes it all the more important for Padmé to submerge her true feelings and play the part of the politician, Portman said. "She's more comfortable in the role of leader," she explained, "and she's obviously more comfortable acting the older person, especially at the beginning of the film with Anakin."

But eventually, Amidala's walls come down, and Portman said her job was made easier thanks to the natural chemistry she shared with actor Hayden Christensen. "Hayden's a wonderful actor," she said. "I'm really impressed by him. He's very confident. I was scared he would be intimidated that it was Star Wars and he would be nervous, but he's not. I've done 10 films, and I still get nervous--even around him, because he's a great actor--but he's very confident in his abilities."

When it comes to her own approach to acting, Portman said that for Attack of the Clones, "I didn't do much preparation besides reading the script and going over my scenes before I did them. I usually think that knowing the story and understanding what's happening in a scene is enough preparation. I'm not super-serious about my work. I don't want to take it too seriously, because I think part of the fun of Star Wars is that it's got issues within it, but it's a light film." Still, Portman said that underneath the special effects, there's a lot going on in the Skywalker saga. "I think Star Wars appeals to people because it has very basic themes that are central to everyone's lives," she said. "What is good? What is evil? How do they interact and change us and shape us as human beings? The big Star Wars themes are these forces of good and evil, the Force and the dark side, and that they sometimes come out of balance."

On its own, however, Portman said, "If you had to describe Attack of the Clones out of the context of the other ones, I wouldn't say good versus evil was the main theme of it. This one is a love story more than anything else. But there is foreshadowing of Anakin's dark side--it's a major factor."

人在边缘(On the Edge)

In addition to the movie's philosophical underpinnings, the actress said she's also proud to be in movies that continue to push the boundaries of filmmaking.

"It's pretty exciting to be working with the digital video, because it's the way a lot of films are going now," she said, adding that having scenes run on monitors as they're being shot saves a lot of time on the set. "It's great for hair, make-up, and wardrobe, because they can see the exact colors, or for the director of photography, because he can see the exact lighting. For actors, I don't think it changes that much, because I never watch myself after I do a scene. It'll make me too self-conscious, so I don't really deal with those monitors very often."

Portman even looks on the movie's technological achievements as a lesson in humility. "It's great to be on a film like Star Wars, because you realize how little a part of everything you are as an actor," Portman said with a laugh. "Usually on films, you're the center of attention, and being in Star Wars puts you in your place because you realize that it still takes two years after you finish shooting until the film is done. You learn to respect the entire crew because you realize how big a part every person is. There are so many people working on the film, and it's very exciting to see the finished product because it's like seeing a movie for the first time. You see all the sets and characters, and it's like a completely different film than the one you made."

For that reason, watching The Phantom Menace for the first time was a little disorienting, Natalie said. "I was very surprised when I saw The Phantom Menace, because it was completely different visually from anything I had seen," she recalled. "We shot a lot against blue screens, and a lot of the characters were computer generated. Even when they show you sketches of what it will look like, you really can't imagine.

"Working in front of a blue screen is the hardest kind of acting, because everything is in your imagination," she continued, noting that it's very different from acting in a play. "On stage, the best way to work is to let yourself go and be into it, because you've got your set, your costumes, all the actors, and you're working in sequence, so it's easy to feel the situation. But in front of a blue screen, you have to imagine everything--your setting around you, sometimes even characters. It's a very difficult skill to learn how to look at a character that's not there, and his voice may be coming from a completely different direction. You constantly want to be looking to wherever the voice is coming from."

By the time she shot Attack of the Clones, Portman was an old pro at acting against blue screen backgrounds. "Having been through the experience of making The Phantom Menace and then seeing it, that made things different," she said. "I didn't understand when making The Phantom Menace what anything was going to look like, or what characters were going to look like, or why it was important to keep a certain eye line. It didn't even cross my mind, but now that I've seen the images and how amazing they are, and how real the characters are, I feel like I can really interact with them."

Good thing, because, "There's a lot of blue screen on this film," she said, "much more than on the last film. Pretty much every set has blue screen, even if it's just out a window or something." The key, she said, is simple: "It's imagination--that's why blue screen acting is maybe the purest form of acting, because it's like being a little kid in a cardboard box and thinking it's a spaceship. That's the point you have to get to--pure imagination."

Sometimes, though, she still yearns for the real thing. "It's a little disappointing sometimes," she admitted. "We had a speeder we were working on one of the first days, and it looked so cool. It seemed more like a ride than a set--which I think is always pretty exciting at work. It had all these buttons and gadgets, and you get so excited and want to touch everything--but none of them are real. They look like buttons, but you go to press them and it's just, like, a little square pasted on. That's very disappointing because it just looked so cool in the movie, and it's not real at all."

我爱悉尼(Love Sydney)

But while Natalie might not really have been soaring through space as her character was, the actress did take a journey to a faraway land--Fox Studios Australia--to shoot Attack of the Clones. "I love Sydney," she said. "Coming to Australia to work was a good way to transition back into the Star Wars world. It was such a completely different setting than where I had been for a long time, and it became part of this new experience. This film has been one of my best experiences--I really loved working on it, and the crew and cast are amazing."

The location made the production feel new, but when you're working on Star Wars, some things never change. "I don't think George has changed at all since the last film," Portman said with a smile. "He wears the same clothes. He gives the same style of direction. He's very much the same--a really nice person."

Lucas had to give Portman a summary of all three prequels before she signed on to play Padmé for Phantom Menace. "He mainly told me the plot of the three films and where we were going," she said. "I pretty much knew the basic storyline of Attack of the Clones from the start, because George had given me the basic gist of what was going to happen when I decided to do all three movies at 14."

That means that Portman is one of the few people who has been given a heads-up on what's in store for Episode III from the man himself. "It's very basic--I think it's pretty much what everyone knows about Episode III," she said. "The children are born, and Anakin goes to the dark side. But that's pretty much all I know."

But does Natalie Portman know what part Padmé plays in Anakin's tragic turn? "I don't think you can say someone else's decisions or actions are caused by a particular person," she said, "but I think everyone's environment shapes them. So I have a feeling that everyone who ever came into Anakin's world had some effect on him that led him to where he ended up--and especially Padmé, being such a central part of his life, from such a young age, probably influenced him a little bit."

A little bit? It seems safe to say that Senator Padmé Amidala--former Queen of Naboo, future mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa, fearless leader of a peaceful people in the name of a proud Republic--has a major impact on the development of the epic events that shape the Star Wars galaxy. Unlike last time, this isn't kid stuff for Padmé--nor for the grown-up actress who plays her.

作者:斯科特·车诺夫(Scott Chernoff)









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