不久前看完了《原力觉醒》小说版,个人认为这的确是自《新的希望》以来,小说和电影内容差别最大的一部星战电影同名小说。 小说与电影最终放映版最大的不同,有两方面:一方面是人物塑造,另一方面是设定。 在人物塑造方面,两个差异最大的人物是蕾伊和伦。从小说的到电影版的改动,可谓非常大,几乎把人物性格完全改变,但其实这种巨大的改变到也在情理之中。因为这是两个贯穿整个故事的最主要的角色,而且又是新角色,《原力觉醒》将奠定他们的个性基调。 蕾伊 在小说中蕾伊是一个颇有些自私的人,这对于一个生活在艰苦荒漠中的拾荒者来说,倒也并非不合情理。 其中一个例子是,她差一点把BB-8卖给昂卡,甚至已经把BB-8关掉,唯一导致她反悔的原因是,她想恶心一下昂卡。她意识到昂卡极度渴望得到BB-8之后,故意偏不把BB-8给他,这个理由反映了蕾伊损人不利己的“叛逆”心理。但显然损害了蕾伊作为新一代绝地好苗苗的光辉形象,于是这段黑历史在最终电影剧本中被果断删除。 另一个事件是,当汉与瓜维亚死亡帮对峙时,她向芬恩提出他们应该赶紧逃到千年隼号上去。芬恩犹豫了,说汉警告过他们“不要打千年隼的主意”,蕾伊反驳说:汉与瓜维亚死亡帮的对峙凶多吉少,说不定什么时候就会火拼起来,他们躲在飞船甲板下迟早会被抓住,因此应该赶紧自寻出路。这的确是非常合理的推断,不过就这么打算丢下汉·索罗不管了?再次偷走千年隼并把船主人丢给杀气腾腾的黑帮?实在是有点白眼狼啊。在小说中,蕾伊自己碰掉了一根老朽的零件,引起了黑帮的警觉,不得不在逃跑途中想办法阻拦黑帮,这才想到启动紧急程序关闭船舱内的所有防爆门。 凯洛·伦 凯洛·伦在电影中是个寡言少语的中二少年,在小说里则是个话痨,见人就兜售他的政治理念。 设定方面,最明显的区别,是对弑星者基地武器发射原理的描写。其次恐怕是对蕾伊身世的一些隐晦的暗示。 弑星者基地的工作原理 小说中是弑星者基地利用太阳的能量,收集宇宙中的暗能量,储存在行星内部,靠行星自身磁场,加上振荡器,让暗能量保持稳定。向目标发射时,暗能量转化为幻能量,当幻能量抵达目标行星系时,外观是一个发光的能量球,它击中霍斯尼亚主行星,将之引爆成一颗袖珍新星,其产生的热量继而摧毁了霍斯尼亚星系里的其他行星表面的一切生物和建筑,以及行星系内的数百艘共和国战舰。 这一原理南方战士早已撰文进行了详细描述,参见“弑星者基地原理概述”:www.starwarschina.com/portal.php?mod=view&aid=794 蕾伊的身世 关于蕾伊的身世,小说中有一些更多的线索。首先是蕾伊在塔克达纳的幻视,与电影不同,包含了更多的场景和人物;其次是在故事后半段,凯洛·伦和斯诺克都渐渐猜出了蕾伊的真实身份,也就是说,他们都知道蕾伊过去的历史。 除此以外,小说中也因为写作仓促、电影同步修改剪辑,导致有多处小纰漏,而且与《觉醒之前》(Before the Awakening)小说有无法衔接的矛盾。 不过对铁杆星战迷来说,为了电影里没有的一堆爆料,这本小说绝对值得一看。 以下摘录小说与电影之间存在差异的一些具体片段。 1 Then Ren resumed his pace, deep in thought as he strode toward the shuttle. In the course of returning to his ship he passed a blaster lying on the ground. It was Poe’s, the one that had come within an arm’s length of killing him. Once he was beyond its reach he touched it—but not with his hands. It rose, seemingly of its own accord, and flew free, smashing into a nearby structure and scaring the wits out of an idling stormtrooper unfortunate enough to be standing nearby. 伦登机离开贾库前,砸碎了波掉在地上的爆能枪,这显得有些莫名其妙。电影里改成了释放之前被定住的等离子爆能束。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 2 The trooper’s words came low and fast. “Listen carefully and pay attention. You do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here.” Within Poe’s wounded brain something like cognizance stirred. He turned and gawked at the trooper’s mask.“If…what? Who are you?” 小说遭到多次反复修改的一个小证据。芬恩的话里并没有if,但是波重复的时候说了if。估计是前一稿台词是“If you do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here”,后来删掉了if,但是忘记对波的回话进行相应的改动。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 3 The trooper spoke while staring nervously down the corridor. “Because it’s the right thing to do.” Poe shook his head, not buying it for a second. “Buddy, if we’re gonna do this, we have to be honest with each other.” The trooper stared at him for a long moment. “I need a pilot.” Poe nodded. A wide grin broke across his face. “Well, you just got me.” FN-2187 was taken aback by Poe’s quick agreement. “Yeah?” 电影中波直接猜到了芬恩的意图,增加了喜剧性。 电影字幕对“Yeah?”的翻译有偏差。芬恩的反应是不敢相信他居然这么轻易就答应了,“真的吗?”而不是“好啊”。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 4 “This thing really moves.” He shook his head in admiration. Fine engineering knew no politics. “I’m not going to waste this chance: I owe some people in that ship a little payback. We’ll take out as many weapons systems as we can.” The trooper had expected to run as far and as fast as the TIE fighter would take them. “Shouldn’t we go for lightspeed as soon as we can?” A tight, humorless grin crossed Poe’s face. “Someone on that ship called me the best pilot in the Resistance. I wouldn’t want to disappoint him. Don’t you worry. I’ll get us in position. Just stay sharp and follow my lead.” He paused only briefly. “How about this? Every time you see the destroyer, you shoot at it.” 无脑大兵波驾机从“定局者”号歼星舰逃跑后掉头,开始賭气似地袭击歼星舰。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 5 A very slight shudder ran through the deck. Mitaka’s voice was even, but Hux could tell that the dark-haired lieutenant was shaken by what he was seeing. “They’ve taken out an entire bank of defensive weaponry. And they continue to attack. They’re not running.” Hux didn’t understand. It was beyond comprehension. Prisoners ran from prisons, they didn’t stick around to assault their jailers. The action smacked of anunshakeable wish to commit suicide. 这种鲁莽愚蠢的行为,连赫克斯也看不懂了。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 6 "Destroyed?”The tech’s response as he studied his instruments confirmed the general’s circumspection. “Disabled only, it would appear.” Hux leaned closer. “He could be trying to throw us off.” “If so,” the tech reported, “he’s going to grave extremes. Sensors show pieces of the fighter are becoming detached and flying off. Such actions could not be carried out by the operator of the fighter itself and must be the result of the craft having suffered serious damage." 小说中FO军官说话啰嗦,不像电影中那样精明强干。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 7 When he thought about it, Hux mused, the fact that FN-2187 came across as mind-numbingly ordinary was more unsettling than if his history had been full of semi-traitorous rants and near psychotic episodes. It suggested that the ranks might harbor others like him. They could not be permitted to know what he had done. Psytechs were already hard at work counseling those who had come into contact with him, whether through unremarkable everyday interaction or in the course of his violent flight. The whole incident had to be tamped down, obscured, and buried lest the germ of an infection spread through the ranks. 因为芬恩的叛逃,赫克斯暗暗对自己的训练方法感到疑虑。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 8 “Nothing noteworthy,” Phasma said. “FN-2187 was assigned to my division, received some additional specialty training, was evaluated, and sent to reconditioning.” Hux shook his head slowly as he continued to scrutinize the records. If anything stood out in the history of stormtrooper FN-2187, it was his exceptional banality. “No prior signs of nonconformity. Not so much as talking back to a superior. He appears so ordinary as to be invisible.” “This was his first offense.” Phasma betrayed nothing other than professional interest in the episode or in the man. “It is his only offense.” 这段情节与《原力觉醒》前传小说《觉醒之前》(Before The Awakening)有明显矛盾。《觉醒之前》中芬恩已经有过违抗法斯马命令的时候,但法斯马很器重芬恩。此处硬要解释只能说法斯马在替芬恩撒谎,也在为她自己撒谎。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 9 “The Supreme Leader made it explicit that the Resistance not acquire the map to Skywalker. Capture the droid if we can. Destroy it if we must.” Ren paused to consider the general’s words. “A simple enough task, or so it would seem. Find one droid. Just how capable are your soldiers, General?” Hux turned away from the trooper’s holofile. He respected Ren and his abilities, but he was not afraid of him. One did not rise to the rank of general in the forces of the First Order by showing fear. 电影删略了凯洛·伦的若干台词。赫克斯想干脆摧毁机器人,省得麻烦,而凯洛·伦想活捉它,在这一点上,两人起了矛盾。凯洛·伦虽然在斯诺克手下效力,但他的私心表露无遗。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 10 “I won’t have you questioning my methods.” “What methods would those be, General? Those that allow a single common trooper to free an important prisoner from confinement, escort him to an operating hangar, and assist him in fighting his way to freedom? What methods teach such expertise? Obviously, at least some of your troops are skilled at high treason. Perhaps Leader Snoke should consider using an army of clones.” 又一例凯洛·伦的滔滔不绝。电影里的凯洛·伦少言寡语、心狠手辣。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 11 Hux held his ground. “My duty is to fight for the First Order with every iota of information, every scrap of material, and every functioning trooper at my command. That was in the oath I took. That is the oath I have sworn to uphold.” His gaze did not flinch from the mask. “There was nothing in it about accommodating the ancillary interests of individuals, no matter how high their rankor how exalted their perceived importance. Careful, Ren, that your personal interests do not interfere with direct orders from Leader Snoke.” 小说中赫克斯用了冠冕堂皇地用一套大道理来解释自己对凯洛·伦的不满。 iota,赫克斯这个文绉绉的逼装得真好,老年作者选词实在颇有古风。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 12 Rey pursed her lips. “You may be great behind the guns of a TIE fighter, but your hand-to-hand skills need a lot of work.” He slumped slightly. “I’m out of practice.” 所以芬恩会输给FN2199。(强行填坑:在《觉醒之前》的新兵训练营里FN2199曾单兵格斗中败给芬恩。) ---------------------------------------------------------- 13 Changing direction, they raced for the other craft. Though it was partially covered by several protective sand tarps, the loading ramp was down. Finn paused only briefly to glance at the ident plate sealed flush inside the airlock wall. “Mi con,” he read aloud. “What the hell does that mean?”Ahead of him, Rey yelled without looking back. “Some con man’s private craft, probably. That might be a good thing. It might be built to travel faster than a crippled skimmer!" 一个电影里难以表达的梗。千年隼(Millenium Falcon)的船名标牌掉漆变成了Micon。蕾伊说也许因为船长是个大骗子(con man)。她不幸言中,船长汉的确是个大骗子。不过这个梗仔细想想并不是太好笑。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 14 “That was some piloting!” “Thanks.” She shrugged. “I’ve been flying every kind of junk you can imagine almost since I could walk.” It was her turn to smile. “Speaking of which, that was some shooting! I was worried you wouldn’t have time to react.” 一个有趣的细节。蕾伊说她能走路的时候就飞过各种乱七八糟的飞船。如果把这当作一个严谨事实,我们会发现这意味着“父母”离开她之前,她就在驾驶各种垃圾飞船了,这意味着父母离开前,她们已经在贾库生活了一段时间(而且很可能一直在为昂卡工作,这与父母离开前把她托付给垃圾回收商昂卡的情节是一致的,因为父母不可能把女儿托付给一个完全陌生的人)。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 15 “It was perfect!” Rey told him. It was silent in the lounge for a long moment before he murmured, “Why are we…” "Staring at each other? I don’t know…” The need for possibly uncomfortable answers was obviated by a series of insistent beeps from BB-8, who had rolled in to join them. Rey knelt beside the agitated droid. “Hey, calm down! You’re okay, we’re all okay. For the moment, at least ." 电影中蕾伊和芬恩在激动地庆祝之后,蕾伊一转身就平静地对BB-8说你没事了,大气都没有喘一下。此处情绪转折十分突兀。看到小说就很好理解,在中间两人经历了一段短暂的尴尬。显然电影把这段拍摄后删除了,但是剪辑的时候显然没有意识到这样一来,蕾伊的情绪转折有点大,或者说剪辑时已经太晚,没有时间补拍了。(在蓝光版中似乎对此处做了过渡性修改) ---------------------------------------------------------- 16 She tried to see while simultaneously shielding her eyes. “I don’t know. Just hope it’s not the motivator. Ship of this age and class is bound to have one.” Sitting down, she slid both legs into the opening. 蕾伊居然说千年隼这种船龄的飞船一定有超空间驱动发动器(注意不是发动机,发动器只是超空间引擎的一个组件),言外之意是部分现代的飞船已经不需要超空间驱动发动器了?!星战宇宙的科技终于进步了吗? ---------------------------------------------------------- 17 “Something to report, Lieutenant? Or have you come, like myself, to marvel at the view?” “Sir?” A gloved hand rose to take in the sweep of light and energy arrayed before them. “Look at it, Lieutenant. So much beauty among so much turmoil. In a way,we are but an infinitely smaller reflection of the same conflict. It is the task of the First Order to remove the disorder from our own existence, so that civilization maybe returned to the stability that promotes progress. A stability that existed under the Empire, was reduce to anarchy by the Rebellion, was inherited in turn by the so-called Republic, and will be restored by us. Future historians will look upon this as the time when a strong hand brought the rule of law back to civilization.” Mitaka forbore mentioning that the Republics had developed their own codes of law. 凯洛·伦努力扮演着一个有思想的中二领袖,在听米塔卡汇报前,居然有心思发表一段银河系政治的长篇大论,连米塔卡都差点忍不住要开启嘲讽模式了…(电影中凯洛·伦被简化成了没有思想的中二领袖,很难说是好是坏…) ---------------------------------------------------------- 18 “Two TIE fighters accompanied the recovery party. Contact has been lost with both and it is assumed…it is assumed they encountered unforeseen difficulties.” Ren sneered softly. “You equivocate like a senator. Go on.” “Reports from our troopers on the ground indicate that the droid escaped capture by taking flight aboard a stolen Corellian freighter, a YT model. An older craft but in the hands of a competent pilot, a capable one.” Atypically, a touch of uncertainty colored Ren’s response. “The droid stole a freighter?” “Not exactly, sir. Again, according to |
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