《星球大战》官方网站盘点了真人剧《安多》第一季的20句最佳台词。一起来跟随台词回顾第一季的剧情吧—— 1. “我可不想要什么惊喜。”/ “I don’t need any surprises.” ——卡西安·安多(第1集) 2. “企业战术特遣队是帝国的第一道防线,想让刀刃保持锋利,最好的方法就是让它见血。”/ “Corporate Tactical Forces are the Empire's first line of defense and the best way to keep the blade sharp is to use it.” ——莫斯克中士(第2集) 3. “只要光明正大地走进去就行了。”/ “You just walk in like you belong.” ——卡西安·安多(第3集) 4. “那是报应来临的声音。”/ “That’s what a reckoning sounds like.” ——玛尔瓦·安多(第3集) 5. “一定要搞得这么扫兴吗?”/ “Must everything be boring and sad?” ——佩林(第4集) 6. “你脸上就像写着‘我一定会让你失望’。”/ “You might as well wear a sign that says, ‘I promise to disappoint you.” ——伊迪(第5集) 7. “高压政策连续出台,让我们来不及理解。”/ “The pace of repression outstrips our ability to understand it.” ——内米克(第5集) 8. “哦,我是反抗者,不过,我反的是所有人。”/ “Oh, I’m a rebel. It’s just me against everybody else.” ——斯基恩(第6集) 9. “我和帕尔帕廷学的,当你盯着我左手之石,就忽略了我右手之刃。”/ “I’ve learned from Palpatine. I show you the stone in my hand, you miss the knife at your throat.” ——蒙·莫斯马(第7集) 10. “这就是爱,你无能为力。”/ “That’s just love. Nothing you can do about that.” ——玛尔瓦·安多(第7集) 11. “等等,我只是个游客!”/ “Wait, I’m just a tourist!” ——卡西安·安多(第7集) 12. “在维护秩序层面何来激进?”/ “Can one ever be too aggressive in preserving order?” ——希里尔·卡恩(第8集) 13. “你别敬酒不吃吃罚酒。”/ “The very worst thing you can do right now is bore me.” ——黛德拉·米罗(第9集) 14. “他们不在意我们的想法。没人会监听,没有人。”/ “You think they care what we say? Nobody’s listening. Nobody.” ——卡西安·安多(第9集) 15. “不超过十二个。”/ “Never more than 12.” ——基诺·洛伊(第9集) 16. “我宁愿豁出性命去扳倒他们,也不想一辈子为他们卖命。”/ “I’d rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.” ——卡西安·安多(第10集) 17. “只有这一条路可走。”/ “There is only one way out.” ——基诺·洛伊(第10集) 18. “我自毁人生,为了有生之年看不到的那片光明。”/ “I burn my life to make a sunrise that I know I’ll never see.” ——卢森·雷尔(第10集) 19. “我不会游泳。”/ “I can't swim.” ——基诺·洛伊(第10集) 20. “抗击帝国!”/ “Fight the Empire!” ——玛尔瓦·安多(第12集) |
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