《No Prisoner》 作者:Karen Traviss(《共和国突击队》作者) 封面设计者: Craig Howell 出版信息: 出版者 Del Rey 发行日期 2009年5月19日 共 257 页 所处时间段 帝国崛起时期 时间 22 BBY 所属系列:星球大战:克隆人战争 位于《星球大战:荒芜空间(The Clone Wars:Wild Space)》之后,《克隆人战争博弈:秘密行动(Clone Wars Gambit:Stealth)》之前 《No Prisoner》是克隆人战争电视连续剧衍生的小说系列中的第三部。 封底简介: 克隆人战争如火如荼。当叛乱的分离势力疯狂挣脱银河共和国的控制时,最高议长帕尔帕廷为自己的邪恶阴谋狡诈地操控着双方。 激流连上尉雷克斯同意暂时代管阿纳金天行者如影随形,不知疲倦的学徒阿索卡,以减轻他的负担。雷克斯带她登上Gilad Pellaeon上尉新改装的攻击舰,进行为期三天的例行巡航。但当共和国卧底探员Hallena Devis在分离势力侵略中失踪后,训练转换为惊心动魄、险象环生的营救任务。 当被派遣到一个遥远的世界去协助当地独裁者处理革命时,Hellena发现她自己被义愤填膺的自由斗士们包围并开始怀疑共和国的行为与动机。Pellaeon奉命前来执行营救任务,在拯救秘密爱人与维护共和国之间,责任与私情之间艰难抉择。与此同时,与雷克斯和六个未受训的克隆士兵一起加入Hallena的阿索卡,遭遇了一种全新另类的绝地哲学,撼动了她对教条核心基础的理解。当危险和阴谋愈演愈烈之时,即是忠诚与信念试炼之时…… 情节摘要 小说主要发生在JanFathal行星。共和国间谍Hallena Devis假扮成这个法西斯专制的星球上的工人。当地政府与共和国联手制止更得民心的分离势力得势,在当地人民看来,与JanFathal的专制政权和共和国相比,分离势力相对而言更为民主。最终,JanFathal电力瘫痪,分离势力军开始进攻行星,是为JanFathal战役。 Gilad Pellaeon舰长搭乘他的新共和国巡洋战舰试航,与他同行的是激流连上尉雷克斯和阿纳金·天行者的徒弟,阿索卡·塔诺。他们接到Hallena Devis在JanFathal上的遇险信号,之后加入Pellaeon连队的是独树一帜的Altisian绝地,迪金·阿尔蒂斯大师。在尤达大师的绝地教团中绝不允许的种种依恋行为,如学生恋爱等,在Altis那里都可以得到允许。在阿索卡的所接受的传统信条中,走上这条路的人都将坠入原力的黑暗面。这使她心中难以平静。随后,阿索卡加入激流连,阿尔蒂斯和他的两个相恋并婚期已近的绝地学徒:卡莉斯塔(Masana)和盖斯(Eris)登陆JanFathal,解救同样与Pellaeon有着浪漫关系的Hallena。 激流连,阿索卡,阿尔蒂斯,盖斯和卡莉斯塔将Hallena定位在JanFathal战乱中的一处大厦。她和几名一起“工作”的工人关在一起。看守Hallena的人被援救者肃清,之后他们回到Pellaeon巡洋舰中来时乘坐的那艘穿梭机,激流连损失了一名克隆人,Vere。然而,正当他们返回Pellaeon的战斗巡洋舰时,巡洋舰为了防止再受到进一步的攻击损伤,不得已进入了超空间。据他们所知,穿梭机无法提供足量的氧气到达最靠近JanFathal的行星。在得知别无选择后,他们在掩护下返回JanFathal。分离势力军已经完全控制了整个星球,消灭了法西斯政权,与共和国的联盟就此瓦解。 转回科洛桑,阿纳金·天行者接到雷克斯上尉返回JanFathal时的呼叫,谈论了他们在敌方封锁的星球上的境况。阿纳金意识到他需要完成对他的克隆连队和徒弟应尽的职责,离开了秘密妻子:帕德梅·阿米达拉。当他到达封锁星球后,见到了激流连和阿索卡,也遇到了阿尔蒂斯,卡莉斯塔,盖斯与他们的绝地自由主义观点。阿纳金和阿索卡一样,对尤达和欧比万·克诺比所教授的一切起了冲突,并且意识到,如果他受训于阿尔蒂斯,他就能去公开的爱帕德梅。随后,他们一起通过分离势力封锁,从敌人那儿偷到一艘穿梭机,迅速回撤至JanFathal空间。与此同时,Pellaeon上尉的旗舰回到星系,就在他们要被被分离星际战斗机抓到时接走了他们。在另一个名为Ince的克隆人的牺牲下,他们成功离开了这个星系。阿纳金和阿尔蒂斯进行了一番长谈,阿尔蒂斯表明自己曾是已故的奎刚金的好友,他们两个都一样不完全服从尤达的教令。通过和阿纳金的交谈,阿尔蒂斯大概了解到阿纳金迷恋上了某个人。阿尔蒂斯向阿纳金保证一直对他敞开自己教派的大门,但阿纳金决定留下来,因为他意识到,主流的绝地教团和阿尔蒂斯的独立教派相比,前者与大共和军联系更紧密,即使这意味着和尤达的教规和共和国站在一起,阿纳金也会和克隆人站在一起。 读后感: 阿纳金把阿索卡留给雷克斯的原因用脚后跟想都能想出来:偷跑回首都看媳妇呗~戏不多,但场场都有趣: 阿纳金跳窗进的帕德梅公寓帕德梅,发现小帕在做面膜,o(╯□╰)o两人谈起阿索卡,帕帕埋怨小安把责任都丢给雷克斯,其实小安注意到了,对阿索卡的教导,雷克斯比自己这个师父好使。帕德梅很唐突的说了句:Rex can be very charming when he wants to be.小安很无语的嫉妒了一小下,疑心病重的男人啊~二人又开始为了绯闻、教条争论。小帕啊~老公好不容易回来一次,干吗总提这么敏感的话题? 后来小安被雷克斯的“报告”拉走了,小帕一点都没失落,又是让小安一阵不爽。还行,只是拌嘴,小两口还是挺恩爱滴~ 另一大看点:卡莉丝塔,即卢克童鞋的前女友,史诗恋情女主角。当时人家美女有男友盖斯,都到了互称未婚×的程度了。卡莉丝塔最逆天的技能大家众所周知:融入计算机。本小说是她第一次登上舰船,还有她与飞船的第一次融合。当然,这次她回到了原来的身体中。克隆人战争与后传的接连,有想法! 阿索卡过得有点衰:总被Pellaeon上尉要求换制服,结果还超不合身,大得跟戏服似的~主要原因是阿尔蒂斯教派对恋情的宽容让她很不能接受,或者说是震动很大。阿尔蒂斯大师的思想很值得研究:依恋是密闭的房间,可能是庇护所,也可能是监狱,区别在于你是不是掌握了钥匙。精辟~阿索卡的一堂情感教育课啊~ 本书叙事三条线,主线主角,不用说,又是雷克斯。丰满人物形象的同时,更让我觉得他是ARC无疑。 ①他杀人时也不眨眼啊~营救人质,嘴都懒得动,直接爆头。不由得想起《共和国突击队》的一句章首语:突击队员优秀,是因为随时都可以杀人~不寒而栗~ ②我的天,他竟然还是博尔球球迷,还有自己支持的队~为了球队还一度染了个蓝色的发型。有种想喊救命的冲动,真有个性~ ③雷克斯注意到阿纳金和帕德梅了。全系网一提到议员美眉,阿纳金就为之一振,都被雷克斯看在了眼里~(⊙o⊙)…观察真细~ O(∩_∩)O~AR时间到~ 雷克斯是相当护着阿索卡,极力给她树立威信。劝Pellaeon相信阿索卡的绝地直觉,小家伙被激流连围着追问依恋,也是雷克斯解围。 人家阿雷挺精明,知道避嫌:下决心尽量不在别人面前叫她爱称Litt'un—小不点,实际上一点都没少叫,O__O"… 以下是刚刚和A大的聊天记录~ August 17:34:03 我最喜欢的一段则是,在前线他说自己断后让阿索卡先走,阿索卡说你会死的,他就说别忘了你的BOSS们是怎么说attachment的,阿索卡郁闷地跑掉了这段^^ August 17:34:18 然后他还让部下一会儿把阿索卡拉走。 August 17:35:18 最后抢救那个克隆兵的时候,他还让科里克把阿索卡带出抢救室,估计是不想让小家伙看见死亡场面吧。 我就不具体说啥了~ 本书结尾,在人质危机后,一共进行了四组长谈,卡莉丝塔&盖斯,Pellaeon&Hallena,阿纳金&阿尔蒂斯。在三组之前的,是阿索卡&雷克斯。 下文为翻译,O(∩_∩)O~: 两处“几乎”似有弦外之音啊,俗话说,酒后吐真言嘛!阿雷有化学反应毋庸置疑,可阿索卡脸红是什么意思啊?难道她知道自己没控制住依恋?小傻阿雷,那个“Who”就是你啊! 片段翻译: 真不好意思,昨天晚上拿到LT的校对稿已经要睡了,今天刚改完,实在对不起啊~ "Rex?" “雷克斯?” He looked up without lifting his head, chin resting on clasped hands. 他十指交叉,撑着下巴,头也没抬,往上看了一眼。 He hadn't even heard Ahsoka approaching. Jedi could do that kind of stealth thing, but for a moment he was worried that he was losing his edge. The little Togruta was wearing a smart gray naval tunic and pants. He had no idea where she'd found a uniform to fit her, but she was so touchingly earnest, so intent on doing things right and fitting in, that it almost upset him. 他之前一点也没听见阿索卡走过来。绝地果真能遁形无影,不过有那么一会他却担心是自己要失控了。小托格鲁塔人穿了套漂亮的灰色海军军装。对于她从哪儿找的合身制服,他一无所知。她如此真诚贴心,渴望尽善尽美,几乎令他不安了。 "You're too young to drink in here," he said. “你年纪太小,不能在这儿喝酒。”他说。 "And you're younger than me-from a certain point of view." “从某种角度来看,你可比我还小呢。” She could always make him laugh, too, however bad he felt. Being a Jedi, she didn't need him to explain that to her. She knew. He knew she knew. 无论他感觉有多糟,她都能一如既往的惹他发笑。身为绝地,她用不着他说出自己的心思。她懂,他知道她懂的。 She sat down beside him at the table and leaned close as if she had some joke to share. He was wondering how he was going to handle her well-meaning attempts at cheering him up. 她靠着他坐在桌边,倚得更近些,就像有个笑话要分享似的。他不知道该怎么样应付她的善意——尽心竭力安慰人的善意。 "Do you ever have days," she said, "where everything you thought you knew for sure is just gone, overturned, and you don't know where to start again to make sense of it all?" “你有没有过那样的日子?”她说,“那种你所坚信的一切都被夺走、推翻,而你却不晓得怎样才能重新开始理解一切的时候?” So she wasn't here to improve his morale. He thought for a moment that she was hitting his own problem square on the head. Then he realized she was describing her own. 原来她不是到这来鼓舞他斗志的。有那么一瞬间,他以为她在开门见山地点明他的困惑。之后他意识到,她是在坦述她自己的困惑。 "You bet, littl'un," he said quietly. “的确有,小家伙。”他轻声说。 "How do you cope?" “你是怎么处理的?” "Good question." “问得好。” "Do you cope?" “你解决掉了吗?” "I'm still standing ..." “我还在坚持……” "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." “你如果告诉我你的困扰,我就告诉你我的。” "Okay," Rex said. "I'm a soldier. It's all I am. I don't know a lot about the outside world, but I'm pretty sure that other sol-diers have families and lives outside fighting. We don't. Is that why I feel so bad about guys like Vere and Ince getting killed so soon out of training?" “好吧。”雷克斯说。“我是军人,军人就是全部的我。我对外面的世界知之甚少,但我绝对肯定别的军人拥有家庭,拥有战斗之外的人生。而我们没有。所以像Vere和Ince那样受训才不久的小伙子被杀掉让我很难过。” "And nobody should die that young." “年轻的生命不应该这么早消逝。” "But whole regiments of us are going to die, sooner or later. Maybe all of us. Young men. We knew that. Why does it make me feel cheated?" “但我们整个军队都是要战死的,早晚而已。也许是所有克隆人。包括年轻人。对此我们心知肚明。可我为什么感觉被人骗了?” Ahsoka grabbed his hand as if she'd been suddenly scared by something. Rex had seen some of the little clones do that when they got their first taste of live ordnance. The Kaminoans didn't approve; clones weren't supposed to show fear, not even as children. 阿索卡像是受了惊吓,猛地握住他的手。雷克斯以前看小克隆人初次实弹训练时[译注:克隆人4岁就开始残酷的实弹训练,表现差的克隆人在这个阶段就直接被杀死了]这么表现过。卡米诺人可不欣赏——克隆人不该显示出恐惧,连小孩子也不行。 But Ahsoka's grip was like nothing he'd ever felt, not just because Togrutas had strangely cool skin, but because he felt as if he'd been connected to something he didn't understand, plugged into a universe too vast to grasp. Now he was the one who was scared. 但阿索卡的紧握带给他的是前所未有的触感。不光是因为托格鲁塔人拥有奇异凉爽的肌肤,也因为他似乎与某种未知相连,接入了一个庞大得让他无法理解的世界。现在他是被吓到的那一个了。 "Rex, is it true what Geith says? That we're all guilty of using you?" She was distraught. He could hear the rasping wild undertone in her voice. "That we're all following orders blindly and not asking questions?" “雷克斯,Geith说的是真的吗?我们都因为役使你们而成了罪恶的人?”她心烦意乱,他听得出她声线里粗嘎的低音。“我们都在毫无意义地盲从命令吗?” Rex felt his world beginning to unravel. If he let Ahsoka go too far down that path-no, if he let himself go down that path, then he wouldn't be able to do the job, and if he didn't do this job, then he had no idea what his life was about. If he let that doubt take hold, he would never be able to deal with Skywalker again, or be able to lead his men. And he had to lead them because they depended on him. His whole existence depended on believing in what he was doing. 雷克斯的世界开始澄清。如果他让阿索卡走上歧路—不,如果他让自己走上歧路,那么他将无法履行职责。如果他不履职,他不知道人生能有什么意义。如果他攥着怀疑不松手,他将无法再与天行者共事,无法领导他的部下。而他必须领导,部下们都指望着他。他的人生建立在对所作所为的信念之上。 The little nagging voice that he tried to ignore was actually being more constructive this time. Don't even think about it, the voice said. Because you can't change a thing. So what if it's true? Where are you going to go? What else could you do? And what would happen to your men? Some things were so overwhelming and beyond your control that simply noticing they were there would destroy you. Rex decided he could shut it out. He could shut out anything if he put his mind to it. 在他内心,他一直试图忽略的低声碎碎念这次变得更加循循善诱了。别再想了,那个声音说。你什么也改变不了。就算你被骗了又能怎样?你还能去哪儿?你还能干什么?而你的部下又该怎么办?显而易见,那些势不可挡、无力阻止的事会毁掉你的。雷克斯决心无视疑虑。下定决心他就能无视一切。 "I don't know," he said at last. “我不知道。”他开了口。 "You said orders were there for a reason. That they kept us alive." “你说过,命令都是有理由的。命令使我们活下来。” "That's true." “事实如此。” "Jedi have orders as well. Like no attachments. And . . . well, you've seen Callista and Geith. Master Altis lets all his Jedi marry if they want. But they've not fallen to the dark side, so what's really true?" “绝地也有教令。比如不得动情,还有……好吧,你看见卡莉丝塔和盖斯了。阿尔蒂斯大师赞同所有想结婚的绝地结为连理,但他们也没堕落到黑暗面。到底什么才是真相?” The best Rex could do was help her live with uncertainty. He couldn't tell her what was true. And the fact that the Seps were trying to kill them-that was true. Did the rest matter? 雷克斯能为她做得最多的,是在生死难料的战场助她一臂之力。他告诉不了她什么是真的。然而分离势力要将克隆人和绝地都赶尽杀绝倒是真的,其余的有什么关系呢? Pull one brick out of the wall, and the whole edifice comes crashing down. For any of us. 一基不稳,大厦将倾。适用于所有人。 "Remember how I said that you don't always have the bigger picture, that you get orders because someone higher up the chain of command has information that you don't, so they don't necessarily make sense? Maybe your orders are like that." It wasn't a lie. It might not have been what Rex actually wanted to say-I don't understand what's happening, I don't like what's happening, something's wrong-but if he said that, then he was adrift, too, and that didn't help anybody stay alive. "And maybe Jedi end up in the places they're meant to be-that the ones who can handle attachment find their way to Altis, and the ones who can't..." “还记得我和你说过的吗?你服从的命令看起来不尽合理,是因为指挥链中的上级比你消息灵通,你的眼光不够长远。可能你们的教条就是这样的。”这不是谎话。虽然这不是雷克斯的心里话:我不明白发生了什么,我不喜欢发生的什么,有什么事搞错了——可假如他就这么说出了口,他也会像她一样茫然无措的,这样并不能帮助他们在这场战争中活下来。“或许绝地最终会各得其所:能控制住依恋的绝地跟随Altis的脚步,而不能……” Well, maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to say. Ahsoka's agitated expression-head-tails more deeply colored, chin down-made him wonder if she was sweet on somebody and facing the reality of orders for the first time. But it had to be kinder than agreeing that yes, it was weird that Yoda and all the Jedi Masters had told her something that now looked . . . untrue. 呃,他可能说错话了。阿索卡的过度反应——头角颜色深了些,低头不语——令雷克斯怀疑她是不是喜欢上谁了才第一次审视教导的真实性。不过他现在的回答还是比较好的,至少他没说:不错,尤达和其他绝地大师向她灌输的教条现在看来...不甚正确。 Cope with it. That's the best anyone can hope for. To cope with life. 面对这一切。没有更好的办法。只有直面艰难的生活。 "The world's full of attachment," Ahsoka said. "I just don't know why it's only wrong for Jedi." “这世界充满依恋,我就是不懂为是么只针对绝地而言依恋是错的。” "You think the last couple of days would have been simpler if everybody had decided that it was only one woman stuck in Athar, and rescuing her would risk too many lives?" “那你觉得假如所有人都认定她只不过是一个困在Athar的女人,牺牲众人去营救她风险太大,最后的那几天就会好过一些?” "Yes, but that wouldn't have been the right decision." “尽管不是正确决策,但我是这样想的。” "Why? You see, that's the kind of decision a commander has to make all the time-when to call a halt because you'll be losing more lives than you're saving. Remember we talked about that?" “为什么不正确?你知道,当损失的人比搭救的人多时就得喊停。记得我们讨论过吧?” Ahsoka didn't answer. She stared into mid-distance for a while and chewed her lip. She still had a ferocious grip on his hand; he almost expected her to unsheath claws. 阿索卡无言以对,她咬着唇,目光移向别处。她仍死死抓着他的手,紧得雷克斯几乎要希望她能放开小爪了。 "Yes, I remember," she said. "And I argued with my Master about it, too, except he was the one who said we should never abandon anyone." “是啊,我记得。”她说,“师父说我们永远不该抛弃任何人,我还为此和他大吵一架。” "Well, General Yoda faces the same dilemmas. Maybe the Jedi found out a long time ago that it's easier to make tough calls if you don't get emotionally involved. A bit of cold distance. Easier to make the decisions, easier to live with them afterward. That's command." “恩,犹达将军面临着同样的两难境地。可能不牵涉情感能更容易处理棘手的抉择。保持冷淡的距离,更容易作出决定,事后也更容易面对。这就是命令。” Now Rex felt better. He was back to solid truth again, not just avoiding outright lies. He and Ahsoka-all the clones, all the Jedi-were in a spot they didn't choose, and making the best of it. All he and Ahsoka could do was try to make the right call every time, decisions they could live with, and accept that the bigger game wasn't theirs to play. 现在雷克斯觉得好多了:不仅回避了谎言,也回溯到了真相上。他和阿索卡,所有克隆人和绝地身处被迫参战,极力取胜的境地。他和阿索卡所能做的,就是每次尽力作出正确的决定,不会让他们后悔的决定,接受这场不属于他们的游戏。 "Do you understand the dark side?" she asked. “你了解黑暗面吗?” "Not really." “不太懂。” "Neither do I." “我也不懂。” "Explain something to me, littl'un," Rex said. Maybe he could have asked Skywalker this same question, but something told him it was a bad idea. "What's the difference between Jedi who fall to the dark side, and do whatever it is that dark siders do, and Jedi who just let bad things happen on their watch?" “小家伙,请教你点问题。”雷克斯说。或许这个问题提给天行者也行,但有迹象暗示那并不明智。“黑暗原力使用者和绝地都亲眼看着不幸发生却无动于衷,如此一来,是否坠入黑暗面又有什么区别呢?” He really wanted to know. 他真的很想知道。 "I'm still thinking about that," she said. "But I'm trying not to let bad things happen on my watch." “我还没想好。”她说,“但我将尽我所能不让不幸发生在我眼前。” Rex wasn't sure if the conversation had helped Ahsoka at all, but it had certainly helped him; the politics and ideology and moral arguments were beyond his influence, and all he could focus on-all he had to focus on-was the day-by-day, hour-by-hour act of looking out for his brothers in arms, and making sure he dropped enemy before they dropped him. That was the foundation of his life, the essence of his existence. 雷克斯不确定此番长谈能否帮上阿索卡的忙,但的的确确帮了他自己的忙。智者、哲人、志士间的辩论与他无干。日复一日,时刻不停地庇护他的兄弟们,在自己被敌人击倒之前击倒敌人即是他应该也必须注意的一切。这是他生存的基石,生活的本质。 The rest, as Master Altis said, was commentary. 其余的,正如阿尔蒂斯大师所说,只是些注释而已。 |
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