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[漫画] 汤米·李·爱德华兹:传奇艺术家









发表于 2009-3-29 13:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(Tommy Lee Edwards: Saga Artist)


内部艺术(Interior Art)

Over the decades of Star Wars publishing, many artists have captured the characters, depth and emotion of the saga through striking works depicting key events or personas. A lucky few have been invited back time and again, adding new pieces to their Star Wars portfolio because their work so perfectly captures the spirit of space fantasy. Such is the case with illustrator Tommy Lee Edwards.

His cover and interior illustrations have so far depicted all the major players of the saga, but there are still a few on his wish list he has yet to touch. "I'd really like to do something on Hoth," he admits. "Something with the tauntauns, snowspeeders, snowtroopers and the walkers. I always used to draw that stuff when I was a kid, and I loved all of Joe Johnston's designs for the speeders, and the costumes were so great."

Edwards has been illustrating professionally for about ten years, but Star Wars has been part of his sketches since he was a child. "I was four when the first Star Wars came out. I would always draw Star Wars when I was a kid and staple pieces of paper together and make Star Wars books. It was one of the first things that really got me drawing. I'd do my little adaptation of the movie, and create my own stories too. I remember doing one where Artoo fought Darth Vader."

Edwards says he always knew he wanted to be an artist that tells stories through illustration. "I've never really been that interested in advertisting art, but I've always loved comic books and movies and animation," he says. "I was lucky enough when I was a kid to have good teachers and have some great private schooling by an illustrator named Ed Hubert, who helped solidify what I wanted to do for a living." After graduating high school in Michigan, Edwards moved to Los Angeles and attended the Art Center College of Design, studying illustration and film.

Getting a start in the comics industry, Edwards tried to get work from Dark Horse Comics illustrating Star Wars. Circumstances, however, dictated that he would have to wait a while. "It was frustrating, but two years later my friend and neighbor John Van Fleet, who has done some Star Wars stuff in the past, was talking with Random House about painting a Darth Maul book," recalls Edwards. "Deadlines couldn't allow it for him. I got the Art Director's name and emailed him some stuff and I got the job."

That project was Darth Maul's Revenge, a Step 3 Young Reader book by Eric Arnold with cover art by John Van Fleet. "It was fun. There are about 30 ink drawings colored in Photoshop. I was really wanting to do another one after that. When Lucasfilm and Random House asked me to do one for Episode II, I wanted to paint it, because I thought it would be fun. Boy, it was a lot of work to fit into just a few months."

Edwards' second young reader book was Anakin: Apprentice, written by Marc Cerasini and also published by Random House. The story of young Anakin's exploits allowed Edwards to explore new locales and develop new designs as called for in the manuscript.
爱德华兹的第二部少儿读物是《阿纳金:绝地学徒》,作者Marc Cerasini,同样由蓝登书屋出版。这个关于少年阿纳金的成长的故事使得爱德华兹可以凭原作要求发掘新场景,开发新的设计。

"There were certain things in the story that I was waiting for the reference art, then I learned that there was no reference," says Edwards. "Like Anakin's bedroom; Lucasfilm said there is no reference, so just make it up. On one hand, I was really excited for the creative freedom. On the other hand, I was terrified because I'm looking at the calendar and at my deadline. But the fact that I could come up with something, and now it's part of the Star Wars universe is pretty fun. There's this scene where Anakin's flying in a race, and he has these wing things on his back. It reminded me of a lot of the film projects I worked on as a conceptual designer and as a storyboard artist, because the most fun part of those jobs is working from a script where not much if anything has been designed already."

史诗的封面(Epic Covers)

One of the most complex Star Wars pieces completed by Edwards was the cover art for the Revised Core Rulebook of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. The front and back covers would include over a dozen major heroes and villains of the saga, though the original request from Wizards of the Coast consisted of an even larger cast of characters.

"Basically I was given a list of everything they'd like to see in the cover, and we chopped that in half," says Edwards. "My favorite part of the whole job is coming up with the composition, just trying to figure out how I can fit all this in. They wanted a little bit of every single movie except Episode III, and even an aspect of the novels, Mara Jade."

Edwards then hashed out the composition through a series of rough sketches. Once approved, he broke out the art supplies and went to work. "It's a lot of mixed media, acrylics and gouache and watercolors and colored pencils and ink and dyes... whatever is going to work."

The finished piece measured an impressive 19 inches tall by 38 inches wide, much larger than the 11 x 17 printed final. "Part of the reason for working that large is because I have a really hard time doing the likenesses on the actors any smaller than that. Obi-Wan is on the front, and he's got a really small head, and it's really hard to do it that small."
完成后的作品是一幅19英寸高、38英寸宽的触动人心的画作,比11 x 17英寸的最终印刷版要大得多。“把画画得这么大的部分原因是因为,如果在比这更小的地方画的话,就很难画出演员与角色的相似处。奥比万在前排,他的头部就相当小,要在这么小一块地方画实在太难了。”

After the piece is painted, Edwards scans the artwork into his computer for digital manipulation. "I might punch up a lightsaber effect, or the glow of an explosion, or I can punch up the blacks a little bit," he explains.

Because Edwards typically juggles three or four projects at any given time, he says it's hard to estimate specifically how long it takes to complete a given piece. "Usually a Star Wars cover like that would be a week to just do sketches and get reference. After I've done the sketch phase, it usually takes me about a week to do the painting. Sometimes I've had them take up to a week and a half or so, and I work a pretty regular nine-to-five kind of thing."

For Star Wars reference, Lucasfilm and its licensees would supply Edwards with photographs and turn-around art of the subject matter to ensure accuracy. "There's such a level of realism on the stuff that you just can't fake any of it," says Edwards. "It's all in what you do with the reference, how you translate it and have fun with it. I'm always walking that line of how can I please the client and the actors and anyone who is involved and how can I have some fun artistically and make myself excited about it and not feel like I'm just trying to replicate a photograph. There's a piece I did recently for the Alien Anthology roleplaying game cover. It's got Kit Fisto on there, fighting some guys, and there really wasn't a lot of reference. So, in the end, Kit Fisto is my wife's body, in a Jedi costume, with somebody else's hand and Kit Fisto's head and a lightsaber," he laughs.
作为《星球大战》的参考书目,卢卡斯影业和获得它授权的人会向爱德华兹提供照片和主题相关的造型发展图,以确保精确度。“这些东西是如此的写实主义,以至你根本不能捏造其中的任何一样,”爱德华兹说,“这就是你要依据参考书目作的一切,以及你怎样才能表达它,并且从中得到乐趣。我总是尽量在如何取悦顾客、取悦演员以及任何牵涉其中的人物之间保持平衡,同时我还要考虑如何让我在艺术上感到愉悦,让我对此感到兴奋,而不是觉得我只是在努力复制一张照片。我最近完成的一副作品是为Alien Anthology角色扮演游戏绘制的封面。上面是Kit Fisto与几个人在打斗,而且真的没有多少参考画。因此,在最后,Kit Fisto有我妻子的身体,穿着绝地袍,有着另一个人的双手以及Kit Fisto的脑袋和一把光剑。”他大笑起来。

Edwards has a hard time picking his favorite Star Wars piece. "I'm so hard on myself I always feel like the next thing I'm going to do is going to be better than the one I just did," he admits. Pressed for an answer, he cites the Revised Core Rulebook cover as the highest profile Star Wars piece he's done.

"It's something that I do feel proud of when I see it, which is nice because my wife always teases me that I always cringe at everything," he says. "I was glad I was able to come up with a composition that has a lot of adventure and action in it but was kind of romantic with the two leads. And, it has some of the characters that I have always really wanted to draw."

Though Edwards admits he is hypercritical of his own work, he does have the support of a rather enthusiastic fan: his four-year old son, Henry (named after a certain fictional globetrotting archeologist from Lucasfilm, no less).

"The most fun part of Star Wars for me now, as a professional being able to get paid for this stuff, is sharing it with my son who is four. He's at that age right now that I was when the first one came out," he says. "When he was a baby his favorite thing was Darth Maul. I think it's the graphic black and red shapes to his face, and I was drawing Darth Maul's Revenge for Random House and my son would always walk around saying, 'Maul! Maul!' That was one of his first words. I think he thinks every daddy does this stuff for a living."









发表于 2009-8-21 11:42 | 显示全部楼层








发表于 2009-8-21 15:40 | 显示全部楼层



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