外环星域 原力59
共和国币0 注册时间2009-6-5
在线时间715 小时
外环星域 原力59
楼主 |
发表于 2013-1-31 14:36
"And the Jedi Council will do nothing, of course." Anakin said disgustedly.
"It's not as simple as that," Obi Wan said reluctantly. "The Senate_"
"The Senate will do even less," Anakin said. "But we're not the Senate or the Council, are we? Ready when you are, Obi Wan."
Obi Wan felt a surge of gratitude. Anakin was loyal, and a good friend. But that wasn't what he wanted from his former Padawan.
"I will hear quite enough from Master Yoda without involving you," Obi Wan said."Let's keep the level of uproar to merely enormous, shall we?"
Anakin shook his head.
"Anakin, this is my burden to bear," Obi Wan said. "I appreciate your wanting to help, but I must do this alone."
Anakin gazed at Obi Wan, saw he wouldn't change his mind, and nodded unhappily.
人家Satine水深火热,在绝地议会拒绝帮忙的情况下,有一个阿纳金这样的出色帮手不知道有多好,还矜持,还顾前怕后的。事实也是如果有阿纳金这个出色的战斗力加上飞行员,Satine可能就得救了。跟了他真不值。 |